Devonshire hospital and Buxton Bath charity : instituted for the relief of poor persons from all parts of Great Britain and Ireland suffering from rheumatism, gout, sciatica, and neuralgia ; pains, weakness or contractions of joints or limbs, arising from these diseases, or from sprains, fractures, or other local injuries ; chronic forms of paralysis ; dropped hands, and other poisonous effects of lead, mercury, or other minerals ; spinal affections ; dyspeptic complaints, uterine obstructions, etc. etc. ; supported by annual subscriptions and voluntary contributions : annual report for the year 1868 ; management, history, annual statement, accounts, rules and regulations, list of subscriptions and benefactions &c., and a copy of conveyance of hospital from the Duke of Devonshire to the trustees.

  • Devonshire Royal Hospital (Buxton, Derbyshire, England)
    copy of wMcli is presented to the Subscribers with this report, do not render it necessary that the expense of a deed for the creation of new Trustees should be incurred until the number of existing Trustees shall be reduced to five ; and the rules for the election of Trustees, and a separate constitution of the members of the Managing Committee, have been formed and modified accordingly, after due notice and much consideration, to suit the altered circumstances of the Institution. It will also be noticed that the Annual Meeting of Subscribers is to be held on the first Saturday in April, at three o'clock in the afternoon. It is wished that the later period of the year may induce or enable some of the subscribers who reside at a distance from Buxton to attend the meeting. The Statement is submitted of Receipts and Expenditure for the year ending December 31st, 1868, and also of the Estate Account, and General Balance sheet; together with the annual statement of the Wilmot Relief Fund Account. ^nalys^s (xt ihid Bttxtan Waters* Dr. Lyon Playfair's Analysis. 1852. Gallon. SUica 0-666 Oxide of iron and alumina 0-240 Carbonate of lime 7-778 Sulphate of lime 2-323 Carbonate of magnesia 4-543 Chloride of magnesium 0-114 Chloride of sodium 2-420 Chloride of potassium 2-500 Fluorine, (as fluoride of calcium) .. trace Phosphoric acid, (as phosphate of lime) trace 20-570 Cubic Inches. Free carbonic acid 15 66 Nitrogen 206-00 Dr. Muspratt's Analysis. I 8 60. Grains in the Imperial Gallon. Carbonate of lime 8-541 Carbonate of magnesia 3-741 Carbonate of protoxyde of iron 0-082 Sulphate of lime 0-330 Chloride of calcium 1-227 Chloride of magnesium 0-463 Chloride of sodium 2-405 Chloride of potassium 0-260 SUica 1-044 Nitric acid trace Organic matter 0-341 Fluoride of calcium trace Phosphate of lime trace Total per gallon. .18-434 Cubic Inches. Free carbonic acid 3-5 Nitrogen 504-0
    COPY OF LEGAL CONVEYANCE OF THE GROUNDS AND RUILDINGS OF THE DEVONSHIRE HOSPITAL. THIS INDENTUEE, made the 22nd day of June, 1868, between the Most Noble WiUiam, Duke of Devonshire, of the first part; and WiUiam Henry Robertson, of the Square, Buxton, in the county of Derby, M.D.; Reginald Darwin, of Fern, Buxton, aforesaid, Esq.; William Parker Shipton, of the Square, Buxton, aforesaid, surgeon ; Samuel Turner, of Sylvan Park, Buxton, aforesaid, surveyor; John Milligan, of Winster Place, Buxton, aforesaid, draper; Robert Rippon Duke, of Spring Gardens, Buxton, afore- said, surveyor; Robert Benuet, of Hardwick Street, Buxton, aforesaid, M.D.; Thomas Dickson, of Wye House, Buxton, aforesaid, M.D.; Robert Broome, of Burbage, near Buxton, aforesaid, Esq.; Marmaduke Walter Vavasour, of North Wood House, Buxton, aforesaid, Esq.; Edward Levett Darwin, of the Park, Buxton, aforesaid Esq.; Joseph William Taylor, of Hardwick Terrace, Buxton, aforesaid, Esq.; Frederick Turner, of the Quadrant, Buxton, aforesaid, surgeon; Francis Kennedy Dickson, of the Square, Buxton, aforesaid, physician; the Rev. Stephen Ray Eddy, of the Parsonage, Buxton, aforesaid, clerk; the Rev. Charles Smith, of the Par- sonage, Fairfield, near Buxton, aforesaid, clerk; George Francis Barnard, of Spring Gardens, Buxton, aforesaid, wine and spirit merchant; William Henry Fhnt, of Terrace Road, Buxton, aforesaid, physician ; and Isaac Walton, of the Bank, Buxton, aforesaid,Esq.,of the second part. Whereas the parties hereto of the second part are the Trustees of an Institution known as the " Devon- shire Hospital and Buxton Bath Charity," instituted for the relief of poor persons from all parts of Great Britain and Ireland suffering from rheumatism, gout, and certain other specified diseases; and whereas the said Wilham, Duke of Devonshire is seized of the land and buildings herein after mentioned for an estate of inheritance in fee simple in pos- session ; and whereas the said land and buildings have, for some time past, by the permission of the said William Duke of Devonshire, been used by the said parties hereto of the second part (in their character of Trustees as aforesaid) as the Hospital of the said Institution ; and whereas the said William Duke of Devonshire, being desirous of benefitting the said Institution, has agreed to convey the said premises to the said parties hereto of the second part upon the Trusts hereinafter expressed; Now this Indenture witnesseth that, in consideration of the premises. He, the said William Duke of Devonshire, doth hereby grant and convey unto the said parties hereto of the second part, and their heirs, all that piece of land situate at Buxton, in the county of Derby, containing by estimation 2a. 2r. 2p., or thereabouts, and abutting and bounded as more particularly described in the plan drawn in the margin of these presents, and therein coloured pink; together with all buildings now standing and being thereon ; and together with all ways, easements, and appurtenances whatsoever to the said piece of land belonging or appertaining; and all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim, and demand whatsoever, of Him, the said William Duke of Devonshire, in to and out of the said premises and every part thereof; to have and to hold the said piece of land and premises unto and to the use of the said parties hereto of the second
    part, their heirs and assigns, yielding and paying unto the said William Duke of Devonshire, his heirs and assigns, the yearly nominal rent of Five Shillings, on the 29th day of September in every year. And it is hereby declared that the said parties hereto of the second part, or the survivor or survivors of them, or the heirs of such survivor, shall stand possessed of the premises hereby conveyed upon trust to permit the said premises to be used as the Hospital of the " Devonshire Hospital and Buxton Bath Charity," and for no other purpose. And it is hereby declared that if the Trustees hereby constituted, or any or either of them, or any Trustee or Trustees, appointed as hereinafter provided, shall die, or desire to be discharged, or refuse or become incapable to act, then, and in every such case, it shall be lawful for the surviving or continuing Trustees or Trustee for the time being, and for this purpose refusing or retiring Trustees shall, if willing to act in the exercise of this power, be considered continuing Trustees, or for the acting executors or administrators of the last surviving or continuing Trustee, to appoint a new Trustee, or Trustees, in the place of the Trustee, or Trustees, so dying, or desiring to be discharged, or refusing or becoming incapable to act as aforesaid, and upon any such occasion, if it should be thought proper, the number of Trustees for the time being may be reduced, but so that the number of the surviving or continuing Trustees, together with the new Trustees, shall not be less than five; and upon every such appointment the trust estate shall be so conveyed that the same may be vested in the surviving or continuing Trustee, or Trustees, jointly with such new Trustee or Trustees, or in such new Trustee or Trustees solely, as ;the 'case may re- quire. Provided, nevertheless, that no person shall be appointed a Trustee under the preceding power who is not a member of the Committee of Management, for the time being, of the said Hospital. And this Inden- ture also witnesseth that the said parties hereto of the second part do hereby, for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, covenant with the said William Duke of Devonshire, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, that they, the said parties hereto of the second part, their heirs or assigns, shall not nor will, without the previous consent in writing of the said William Duke of Devonshire, his heirs or assigns, erect or build upon the premises hereby granted and conveyed any house or building whatsoever other than those now standing and being thereon ; and will keep the buildings now standing and being thereon in good repair, and will keep in a condition similar to the present all such part of the said land as is now used for garden or pleasure grounds. In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. ("Signed.) Devonshire, w. h. robeetson. Reginald Darwin. W. P. Shipton. S. Turner. John Milligan. R. R. Duke. RoBT. Bennet. Thos. Dickson. Robert Broome. M. W. Vavasour. Edwd. L. Darwin, J. W. Taylor. Charles Smith. G. F. Barnard. W. H. Flint. Isaac Walton. Fredk. Turner. F. K. Dickson. S. R. Eddy.
    THE DEVONSH Dr. STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPEND! £ 8. d. £ 3. d. £ To Balance of Rovenue Account, Dec. ;3l, ISTiT .. 471 To Annu al Subscuiptions :— Rereived in 1807, bront,'bt fonvRnl 2!» 8 0 Arrears due December .'U, I'^Tm 138 14 0 Current year 1440 12 0 1008 14 0 Less Arreftfs, Dec. 31, 1808.... -£79 18 0 „ Withdrawn nnd written off.. 24.') 14 0 325 12 0 12K3 2 0 N.B.—£23 of the above received per Hotels and Lodging-Houfies. To Casual Subscriptions 071 14 0 To Donations, including ;£16 2s. 6d. from Hospital Box 230 17 0 To Donations per Hotels, Lodging-Houses, &c. .. 215 11 2 To Collections— St. John's and Old Churches, Buxton, June. 47 3 7 Ditto ditto August. 58 3 6 Mansfield Woodhouse Church 1 18 2 Burbape Church 2 10 10 Bottesford Ch.urch 2 15 0 Chaddeston Church 2 12 6 Astbury Church 1 11 3 Leitrh Cliurch, Lancashire 1 1 0 Market Deeping Church 1 1 0 Buxton VVeslejuu Chapel 6 0 0 125 0 4 To Interest— Charity Commissioners, Mrs. Dowues'Legacy 4 10 0 Consols. i;2400 8s. Od 07 1 5 Midland Mortgage Preference Stock 3 18 2 Bankers' Interest on Account 21 i' 0 00 18 7 To Extra Time—In-Patients 152 7 0 „ Extra Uut-Patients 42 10 0 ,. Sundry Receipts for Reports, Tickets, Bones, Swill, &c 22 0 0 To Legacy from the late Wm. Sharinan, Esq. Hull 201 5 10 ,, Like Subscriptions 103 0 0 „ Annual Subscriptions received in advance 27 C 0 2749 481 £3703
    IpITAL, BUXTON. YEAE ENDING DECEMBER 31st, 1868. Cr. Jli s. d. Jj ». (]. i! 6. < IsB Expenses— 'revisions l'■l2'^ O '» [edicines ')7 17 0 \&B '-27 17 H )oal8 fH> !.> 7 Jecretary's Salary 70 0 0 'Master and Matron's Salary Gt) <) 0 'Dispenser's Salary ■''»() i' 0 'Servants' Wages 212 .MO Ism I 17 0 N.B.—Those markeil with au asterisk board iu the housr. JCEILANEODS — lepairs at the Hospital lepairs at the Baths Renewals and Eepairs of Furniture, &c., vScc. rinting. Advertising, and Stationery 'ostage Stamps Janker's Commission insurance Luditors' Fees lates and Taxes Annual Charge for Heating Baths Sundries, Subscriptions returned, &c Chaplain's Stipend Surgical Appliances Dispensary 10 — -n')!' -2 10 DC. 1:5 !) :\ 50 12 72 l-> f) 2'.) (•) c. 17 (i IS 0 0 ,s 1) ,'}(1 0 0 l-'i U ;!() 0 0 1) 1 4 s TATE Account—Amounts transferred— Legacy, W. Sharman, Esq •■2^1 o IM Life Subscriptions li^-J 0 0 J.-.4 10 f bscriptions in advance, transferred to Balance I Sheet 27 i; f LANCE, carried to Balance Sheet 10(;4 l-l January 20th, 1869.—The above accounts pxamined nnd f. nn<l 'un-L'. t, (Signed), JAMKS WARl-LEY,! , JOHN DAV^X, I AvD.TORs. WILLIAM HKNL:Y KOBLUTSOX, CuAir.M.