Jobling, Boris

  • Jobling, Boris, 1893-1986
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


The following is an interim description which may change when detailed cataloguing takes place in future.

Sketches, and sketch-books, notes, photographs, drafts and published papers, 1920s-1970s



Physical description

10 archive boxes, 2 transfer boxes

Biographical note

Jobling was a medical entomologist. He was born in 1893 in Gorbatka in Russia. Between 1915 and 1919 he studied entomology and protozoology at Shaniavsky University and then worked at a freshwater biological station on the River Oka. After spell of imprisonment for political reasons he left Russia via the Finnish border, arriving in England in 1920. He was employed as an artist by the Wellcome Bureau of Scientific Research the following year, remaining with the organisation, later known as the Wellcome Research Institution, until he retired in 1958. After retirement he continued to produce drawings under the auspices of the Wellcome Museum of Medical Science. Jobling died in 1986.

During his career he produced many drawings of biting and other insects, including malaria parasites, as well as arthropods, protozoa and other organisms. In 1897, a posthumous book of some of his work was published, jointly supported by the Natural History Museum and the Wellcome Trust, under the title Anatomical Drawings of Biting Flies.

Ownership note

These papers were deposited in the Wellcome Tropical Institute in 1986 by Jobling's son, Edwin. They were transferred to the Wellcome Library in 1989.

Terms of use

This collection is currently uncatalogued and cannot be ordered online. Requests to view uncatalogued material are considered on a case by case basis. Please contact for more details.

Permanent link


Accession number

  • WTI/12