Cheape and good hvsbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts, and fowles, and for the generall cure of their diseases. Contayning the natures, breeding, choise, vse, feeding, and curing of the diseases of all manner of cattell, as horse, oxe, cow, sheepe, goates, swine, and tameconies. Shewing further, the whole art of riding great-horses, with the breaking and ordering of them; and the dieting of the running, hunting, and ambling horse. And the manner how to vse them in their trauaile. Also, approued rules, for the cramming and fatting of all sorts of poultrie and fowles, both tame and wild, &c. And diuers good and well-approued medicines, for the cure of all the diseases in hawkes, of what kind soeuer. Together, with the vse and profit of bees; the making of fish-ponds, and the taking of all sorts of fish.

  • Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637.
  • Books

About this work


London : Printed by T.S[nodham for R. Iackson], [1623]

Physical description

12 unnumbered leaves (first blank), 179 pages : woodcut ; (4to)


The 3d ed.


"Epistle dedicatorie" signed: G.M
Copy 1 Note: All before p. 83 wanting.

References note

STC 17338
ESTC S112039
Poynter, Markham, 34.1
STC (2nd ed.), 17338



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    Closed stores

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