Thesauros tes ellenikes glosses = thesavrvs graecae lingvae / ab Henrico Stephano constructus. In qvo, praeter alia plvrima, quae primus praestitit, (paternae in Thesauro Latino diligentiae aemulus) vocabula in certas classes distribuit, multiplici deriuatorum serie ad primigenia, tanquam ad radices vnde pullulant, reuocata. Thesavrvs lectori, de ea quam fecit quidam eius epitome, Quidam opitémnon me, capulo tenus abdidit ensem: Aeger eram à scapulis ... [Title continues in note].

  • Estienne, Henri, 1531-1598.
  • Books

About this work

Also known as

Thesaurus Graecae linguae. Greek
Thesauros tes ellenikes glosses


[Genevae] : Henr. Stephani oliva, [1572]

Physical description

5 volumes in 4 ; (folio)


At bottom of title page: Cvm privilegio Caes. maiestatis, et Christianiss. Galliarvm regis
Signatures: v. 1. a⁴, b⁶, A⁶, B⁴, *⁶, a⁴, b-z, aa-zz, aaa-zzz, aaaa-ffff⁶, gggg-hhhh⁴, iiii-mmmm⁶, nnnn-oooo⁴ (oooo⁴ blank); v. 2. *⁴, A⁴, B-G⁶, H-K⁴, V-Z, AA-ZZ, AAA-YYY⁶, ZZZ, AAAA-GGGG⁴ (DD*1 numb. CC*1, ZZ⁴, GGGG⁴ blank); v. 3. Aa-Gg⁴, Hh⁶, Ii⁴, Kk-Zz, AAa-CCc⁶, DDd⁴, EEe-GGg⁶, HHh⁴-IIi⁶, KKk-MMm⁶, NNn-ZZz, Aaaa-Zzzz, AAaaa-IIiii⁶, KKkkk⁸ (Kki numb. KKi, AAaiiii not numb. KKkkk⁸ blank); v. 4. AAaa-CCcc⁴, DDdd-ZZzz, AAAaa-FFFff⁶, GGGgg⁴, HHHhh-MMMmm⁶, NNNnn-OOOoo⁴; v. 5. [Greek characters transliterated] a, *a, b⁴, g-i⁶, k⁸, l-ō, aa-ōō, aaa-ōōō, aaaa-bbbb⁶, ggg⁴, Aaaa-Iiii⁶ (x [superscript iiii] numb. o [superscript iiii], k⁸, ggg⁴, Iiii⁸ blank)
Printer's device on title page of v. 1
Head-pieces; initials. At head of each alphabet section, the Greek letter is enclosed within arabesque cartouches, with character variants and name on each side
V. 2-4 have half title: Thesavri linguae Graecae av Henr. Stephano constructi. Tomvs II[-IV]; V. 5 has half title: Appendix libellorum ad Thesaurum Graecae linguae pertinentium
"Loci Qvidam de qvorvm emendatione" v. 5, col. 209-212. "Registrum" follows
In v. 5 the 1766 columns misnumbered 1746 due to duplication of col. 17-32 and 969-72
Estienne's xylographic Greek signature is used here for the first time in v. 1, p. 1827-28; v. 2 after note to reader; v. 4 at the end of the volume; v. 5 after prefatory note to Index
A later edition of the Thesauros without date and other changes
Includes index
Title continued: ... sanus at huc redeo. De magno quod idem compendium affert dispendio agitur in ea quae proximè sequitur epistola

References note

Schreiber 181
Renouard 135 no. 3, with note under #4

Where to find it

  • Vol. 1

    Closed stores
  • Vol. 2

    Closed stores
  • Vol. 3

    Closed stores
  • Vol. 4

    Closed stores

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