Lithographed signatures of the members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, who met at Cambridge, June M.DCCC.XXXIII : with a report of the proceedings at the public meetings during the week, and an alphabetical list of the members.

  • British Association for the Advancement of Science.
    5. If it be intended to adopt the plan of lithographing the signatures, there should be (at table C) in the Secretary's room, two books prepared for this purpose. The entries may be made in common ink; and the lithographer can then easily rearrange the names according to the numerals attached to them. The Cambridge list was written with prepared ink, which has occasioned considerable delay in working off the impressions, from its having been found necessary to retouch some of the copies, and to clean the stones where errors and blots had been made. The Treasurer's ticket should be cancelled after the signature has been obtained, - and the applicant then directed to table (D). 7. The cancelled tickets should be exchanged at table (D) for the general ticket of admission. These general tickets should be previously numbered, but none of them filled up with any name until the applicant appear. N.B. The cancelled tickets may readily be arranged alphabetically every evening, and thus an index can be quickly made out and added to the printed list of addresses, which are to appear every morning in the manner above described. This index need contain nothing more than the surnames and Nos. in small type. The preparation of these lists was not thought of at the Cambridge Meeting, but would be a great improve- ment.
    The Editors of this Volume return their sincere thanks to the Syndics of the University Press, for their liberal assistance in printing the typographical part free of expense. They also beg leave to state distinctly, that its publication is not to be considered as an official act of the Council; but that it has been prepared at the private suggestions of several Members of the Association. They have endeavoured cautiously to abstain from introducing any matter whatever which might be thought to interfere with the regular Annual Report.
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