[Report 1949] / Medical Officer of Health, Bury County Borough.

  • Bury (Greater Manchester, England). County Borough Council.
    Staff. School Medical Officer:— K. K. Wood, M.B., M.R.C.S., D.P.H. Deputy School Medical Officer:— E. Snell, L.R.C.P. & S., D.P.H. (to 28.4.49). R. Mitchell, M.B., B.Sc., D.P.H. Assistant School Medical Officers :— *E. J. Foulds, M.B., B.Sc. (from 1.10.49). *N. H. Wells, M.B. (from 1.10.49). Ophthalmic Surgeon :— *J. . Ratcliffe, M.B. Orthopaedic Surgeon:— *E. S. Brentnall, F.R.C.S. (Ed.). (Resigned Aug., 1949) *A. P. Gracie, F.R.C.S. (Ed.), M.B. (from 10.2.50). Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgeon :— *A. I. Goodman, M.D., F.R.C.S. (Ed.). Dental Officer:— Miss B. M. Scott (from 81.1.49 to 28.9.49). Superintendent Nursing Officer :— Mrs. I. F. Ramwell. School Nurses :— Miss I. Keith. Mrs. M. Stephenson (Joint with Health Committee to 11.10.49). Mrs. E. Wild (to 27.8.50). Miss A. Haines (Dental Nurse). Mrs. A. Hallam (Joint with Health Committee). Speech Therapist:—Vacant. ■^Physiotherapist:—Mrs. J. M. Fishwick (from 8.8.49). School Medical Clerk :— Miss N. Hargreaves. * Part Time.
    ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1949 To the Chairman and Members of the Education Committee. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have pleasure in presenting the Annual Report on the work of the School Medical Department. In the body of the report are given figures of the work done. Routine Medical Inspections have again increased in number, as also have the number of special inspections and re-inspections. This work has been kept well up-to-date during the year. There was little of unusual occurrence during the year. The state of cleanliness was slightly better than last year. The nutritional state of the children was maintained and infectious disease had a low incidence all round. The Education Committee took over the medical inspection of the Grammar School, which is a direct grant school, and have offered all their facilities in the School Medical Department as required. With regard to dental inspection and treatment, for a period of four months this work was at a standstill, and at the end of the year there seemed little hope of any improvement in the situation. The provision of spectacles has not yet reached a satisfactory state. Children are examined and prescribed for by the Com- mittee’s Ophthalmic Surgeon., The glasses are then supplied through the Executive Council under the National Health Service Act. The examinations have been carried out without delay, but in most cases periods of long delay have occurred before the glasses have been supplied. The services of a physiotherapist have been obtained ; three morning sessions per week are held and are fully used. In view of the fact that the Child Guidance Clinic has not functioned owing to Staffing difficulties, a large number of chil- dren have been examined and had their Intelligence Quotient estimated by the Medical Staff. This has been a very time-con- suming job, but we think that this work has been appreciated by the Head Teachers. The absence of a Special School for Educa- tionally Sub-normal Pupils is a serious handicap which it is ex- pected will be remedied next year.
    Again many of the developments in the School Health Ser- vice which the Education Committee have decided to make have been held up by the impossibility of engaging the necessary trained staff. At the end of the vear the following vacancies had been advertised and were waiting to be filled. They are—School Dental Officer, Speech Therapist, Teacher for lip reading, Staff for Child Guidance Clinic, Psychiatrist, Psycholog’ist and Social Worker, Orthopist and School Nurses with Health Visitors’ Certificates. I would like to thank the Staff for their assistance during the year, and also the Director of Education for the co-operation which has at all times existed. To you, Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee, I wish to express my sincere thanks for your encouragement and support during the year. I am, Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your obedient servant. Health Office, Tithebarn Street, 15th Mav, 1950. K. IC. l^oxsxL . School Medical Officer.
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    Decoration of Schools. The internal decoration of the following- schools has been carried out during the year— Holy Trinity School. St. Joseph’s Infants’ School. St. Paul’s (Bell) School. Clothing and Footwear. The Authority has had under consideration a scheme for the provision of clothing under Section 5 of the Education (Miscel- laneous Provisions) Act, 1948, and it was anticipated that a scheme would be submitted to the Ministry of Education early in 1950.