World War I: a French underground hospital at Verdun. Oil painting by Ugo Matania, 1917.

  • Matania, Ugo, 1888-1979.
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view World War I: a French underground hospital at Verdun. Oil painting by Ugo Matania, 1917.

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World War I: a French underground hospital at Verdun. Oil painting by Ugo Matania, 1917. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

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About this work


Published in The sphere, loc. cit., with the following description: "Deep down in the recesses of the fort is the poste de secours. The vaulted gallery is lit with electric-light, for the dynamos are still running. As the men come in they are helped to a seat on a box or a pile of coats. Those that can stand are stripped and their wounds promptly dressed. Another, with a severe head wound, takes his seat at the operating table, and is skillfully attended by the doctor in charge"



Physical description

1 painting : oil on artist's board ; board 36.8 x 56 cm

Related material

Published legend : The French army surgeon at work - a scene in front of Verdun, 1917
Published legend : A French poste de secours in a vaulted gallery beneath one of the forts of Verdun


Ugo 1917 Inscription on verso: [...] return drawing Tuesday 10 o/c am

Creator/production credits

The Matania family from Naples was ubiquitous in the field of documentary illustration in the first half of the twentieth century. The principal members were Cav. Eduardo Matania, Eduardo's son Cav. Fortunino, and Eduardo's nephew Ugo. The cousins Fortunino and Ugo were the leading illustrators of World War I scenes for the Sphere, where they had published since 1904. In 1914 Fortunino became a war artist and visited the front several times

References note

Reproduced: The sphere, 7 April 7 1917, volume LXIX, no. 898, pp. 14-15, with lettering above "The French army surgeon at work - a scene in front of Verdun, 1917", and lettering below "A French poste de secours in a vaulted gallery beneath one of the forts of Verdun. Drawn by S. Ugo from material supplied, March 1917"


Wellcome Collection 45950i

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