FREE! : Every time you purchase a 1/2 bottle of Farrow's British made tomato ketchup from May 1st.. to May 31st., 1930, (both dates inclusive) your grocer ... has the manufacturers' authority to give you a large (7 1/2d.) packet of Farrow's garden pea pod peas free / Joseph Farrow & Co. Ltd.

  • Joseph Farrow & Co.

Licence: In copyright

Credit: FREE! : Every time you purchase a 1/2 bottle of Farrow's British made tomato ketchup from May 1st.. to May 31st., 1930, (both dates inclusive) your grocer ... has the manufacturers' authority to give you a large (7 1/2d.) packet of Farrow's garden pea pod peas free / Joseph Farrow & Co. Ltd. Source: Wellcome Collection.

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