A "sexta parte," 786 titles (Acevedo-Nuñez) without t.-p. or covers and "septima parte" O-Z, as well as the entire "Sección segunda (biográfica, histórica y crítica)" remains unpublished. The sexta parte is noted by N. Van Patten in an (unpublished article on Mexican bibliography, the 7a parte, O-Z in Leóns's own Noticia de sus escritos 1925, p. 39, among the "obras ineditas"; León makes no reference to the 6. parte, noting only 1a-5a parte among the published works (p. 20 in the Noticia)
Published also without series note. Section 1, 1st pt. A-Ch (405 nos.) was first published in Anales del Museo michoacano v. 3, 1890, p. 5-167. In this 1902 edition (Boletín, no. 1) A-Ch has 471 titles
Contains over 3300 titles and includes the text of several manuscripts, reprints of a number of rare books and extracts from others
Forms with Garcia Icazbalceta's Bibliografía mexicana del siglo XVI (1886) and Andrade's Ensayo bibliográfico mexicano del siglo XVII (1899-[1900]) a continuous bibliography of Mexican literature to 1800.