Written in a rounded gothic hand, probably in England, 29 lines to a page. A few initials, paragraph marks and headings in red. Fol 1 Quoniam quidem ut in rethoricis tullius ['omne' superscribed] inquit expetendum... 'v, line 1 (Text begins) Capillus ex fumo grosso... 120v, line 25 ...ad idem valent. Conclee marine incense/cum olio rosato multum valent/Explicit VIATICVS. The fly-leaves, two at each end of which one is pasted down in to each cover, are folio leaves (cut down) from a 14th cent. MS. This has not been identified but it appears to be from a work on the Monastic Constitution of Evesham. It is written in double columns of 31 lines, with extensive marginal glosses by contemporary and later hands. There are initials in alternate red and blue, and blue and red. Above the text on fol. 1, a 16th cent. hand has written 'Constantini Affricani Monast[erii] Casanensis Viaticum. Agit de morbis et eorum signis et remediis'. The paper is water-marked with a variant of Briquet's Nos. 11667-11674, which date mostly from the second half of the 14th century.