A manual of the operations of surgery : for the use of senior students, house surgeons, and junior practitioners / by Joseph Bell.

    CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. LIGATURE OF AETEKIES. PAGE Ligature of Ai-teries-General Maxims-Ligature of Aorta- ° lUacs - Gluteal - Femoral - Popliteal — Innominate - Carotids—Lingual—Subclavian—Brachial, etc., . 1-44 CHAPTER IL AMPUTATION. Eras of Amputation—Flap and Circular compared—Special Amputations of Arm and Leg, . " • • 45-102 CHAPTER IIL EXCISION OF JOINTS. Brief Historical Sketch—Comparison of Excisions -svith Am- putations—Special Excisions of the six larger Joints- Excisions of smaller Joints and Bones, . • 103-140 CHAPTER IV. OPERATIONS ON CRANIUM AND SCALP. Trephining—Excision of Wens, . . • • 141-144
    CHAPTER V. OPERATIONS ON THE EYE AND ITS APPENDAGES. PAGE Entropium and Ectropium—Trichiasis—Tarsal Tumours—On Lachrymal Organs—Mr. Bowman's Operation—Pterygium —Strabismus, convergent and divergent—^Paracentesis of the Anterior Chamber—Operations for Cataract by Dis- placement, Solution, and Extraction—Various methods of Extraction—Operations for Artificial Pupil—Iridesis— Corelysis—Iridectomy—Excision of Staphyloma—Exci- sion of Eyeball, . . . . • 145-168 CHAPTER VI. OPERATIONS ON NOSE AND LIPS. Rhinoplastic Operations from Cheek, Forehead, and elsewhere —Removal of Nasal Polypi—Excision of Cancers of Lips —Cheiloplastic Operations—Operations for Harelip, . 169-180 CHAPTER VIL OPERATIONS ON JAWS. Excision of Upper Jaw—Of Lower Jaw, . . • 181-188 CHAPTER VIII. OPERATIONS ON MOUTH AND THROAT. For Salivary Fistula—Excision of Tongue, complete and par- tial—Fissures of the Palate, soft and hard—Excision of Tonsils •• 189-197 CHAPTER IX. OPERATIONS ON AIR PASSAGES. Larvnx and Trachea—Tracheotomy—Tubes-Laryngotomy— 198 209 (Esophagotomy, . • • • • *
    CHAPTER X. OPEBATIONS ON THORAX. 0 PAOE Excision of Mamma—Paracentesis Thoracis, . . 210-213 CHAPTEE XI. OPEBATIONS ON ABDOMEN. Paracentesis Abdominis — Gastrotomy— Ovariotomy—Opera- tion for Strangulated Hernia—Inguinal—Femoral—Um- bilical—Operations for the Radical Cure of Hernia, 214-246 CHAPTER XII. OPEBATIONS ON PELVIS. Lithotomy—Varieties—Lithotrity—Operations for Stricture— Puncttire of the Bladder—Phymosis—Amputation of Penis —Hydrocele — Hajmatocele — Castration — Operation for Fistula-Fissure—Polypi of Rectum—Piles, . . 247-285 CHAPTER XIII. TENOTOMY. On Tenotomy for Wiy Neck and Club-foot, 286-288
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    LIST OE ILLUSTEATIONS. FIG. I. Amputations of Fingers, . • II. Diagram of Finger showing Articulations, III. Dubrueil's Amputation at Wrist (front view), (dorsal view), V. Amputations of Toes, VI. Excision of "Wrist-joint—Lister's, VII. Operations for Ectropium and Entropium, VIII. Operation for Trichiasis—Streatfeild's, IX. Operation for Epiphora—Bowman's, X. Greenslade's Instrument for above, XI. Operations for Squint, . XII. Linear Extraction of Cataract, . XIII. Flap Extraction of Cataract, XIV. Operation of Corelysis—Streatfeild's, XV. Operation for Staphyloma—Critchett's, XATi. Eesult of above, XVII. Rhinoplastic Operation from Cheek, XVIII. „ „ Forehead, XIX. Operation on Lip, V-shaped incision, XX. Operation on Lip, by scissors, . XXI. Operation for a New Lip, incisions, PAGE 49 49 55 55 68 121 145 145 149 150 151 156 156 165 166 166 170 171 174 175 176