Acupuncture chart of front of head, 17th C. Chinese woodcut

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Labelled diagram of the acu-moxa points at the front of the head and neck, showing the paths of the renmai (Director Vessel -- commonly translated as Conception Vessel), shenmai (Kidney Vessel), foot shaoyang (Lesser Yang), foot taiyang (Greater Yang), foot yangming (Yang Brightness), foot shaoyin (Lesser Yin), hand shaoyang (Lesser Yang), hand taiyang (Greater Yang), hand yangming (Yang Brightness), and hand shaoyin (Lesser Yin) channels. Chinese woodblock print from a volume dated 'Tianqi reign period of Ming Dynasty' (1621-1627).


Title: General chart of the acu-moxa locations of the front of the head Captions: Renmai (Director Vessel -- commonly translated as Conception Vessel): jixuan = xuanji(?) (Jade Pivot); tiantu (Celestial Prominence); lianquan (Edge Spring); chengjiang (Receiving Fluids) [acupoints] Shenmai (Kidney Vessel): qianding (Anterior Crown); xinhui (Fontanelle Meeting); shangxing (Upper Star); shenting (Numinous Courtyard); suliao (Plain Crevice); duiduan (Extremity of the Mouth); yinjiao (Yin Intersection) [acupoints] Zu shaoyang (Lesser Yang of the foot): jianjing (Shoulder Well); tinghui (Meeting of Hearing); tongziliao (Pupil Crevice); jiaosun (Minute Angle); tianchong (Celestial Rushing); shuaigu (Leading Valley); qubin (Temple-hair Curve); hanyan (Jaw Cover); touwei (Head's Binding) [acupoints] Zu taiyang (Greater Yang of the foot): tongtian (Connecting with Heaven); chengguang (Receiving Light); wuchu (Fifth Place); quchai (Crooked Curve); cuanzhu (Gathered Bamboo); jingming (Eye Bright) [acupoints]


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