The English-American : a new survey of the West Indies, 1648 / Thomas Gage ; edited with an introduction by A.P. Newton.

  • Gage, Thomas, 1603?-1656.
    Introduction CHAPTER ONE Of the mission sent hy the Dominicans to the Philippines in the year 1625 . CHAPTER TWO Of the Indian Fleet that departed from Cadiz, Anno Dorn. 1625, and of some remarkable passages in that voyage CHAPTER THREE Of our discovery of some islands, and what trouble befell us in one of them ...... CHAPTER FOUR Of our further sailing to St John de TJlhua, alias Vera Cruz; and our landing there ..... CHAPTER FIVE Of our landing at Vera Cruz, otherwise St John de TJlhua, and of our entertainment there . CHAPTER SIX Of our journey from St John de Ulhua to Mexico ; and of the moll remarkable towns and villages in the way CHAPTER SEVEN A description of the town of Tlax cal a CHAPTER EIGHT Concluding the reft of our journey from Tlaxe ala to Mexico, through the City of Angels, and Guacocingo CHAPTER NINE Shewing some particulars of the great andfamous City of Mexico in former times, with a true description of it now, and of the ft ate and condition of it the year 1625 PAGE IX 5 12 18 25 31 37 45 5° 59
    CHAPTER TEN Shewing my journey from Mexico to Chiapa southvoard, and the molt remarkable places in the way CHAPTER ELEVEN Describing the country of Chiapa, with the chief eft towns and commodities belonging unto it CHAPTER TWELVE Shewing my journey from the city of Chiapa unto Guatemala, and the chief places in the way .... CHAPTER THIRTEEN Describing the dominions, government, riches, and greatness of the city of Guatemala, and country belonging unto it . CHAPTER FOURTEEN Shewing the condition, quality, fashion, and behaviour of the Indians of the country of Guatemala since the Conquest, and especially of their feaSis and yearly solemnities CHAPTER FIFTEEN Shewing how and why I departed out of Guate?nala to learn the Poconchi language, and to live among the Indians, and of some particular passages and accidents whilst I lived there ...... CHAPTER SIXTEEN Shewing my journey from the town of Petapa into England ; and some chief passages in the way .... CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Shewing how, andfor what causes, after I had arrived in England, I took yet another journey to Rome, and other parts of Italy, and returned again to settle myself in this my country . Index . PAGE 109 149 169 l87 228 271 333 383 403
    LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE i. Thomas Gage receiving Gifts from his Parishioners Frontispiece (Frontispiece of the first German edition.) 2. Frontispiece to the First English Edition . . viii 3. The Attack of the Savages at Guadaloupe . . 22 (From the Dutch edition of 1700.) 4. Riot in Mexico City. (Ibid.) . . .106 5. The Hermitage of the Indians. (Ibid.) . . 176 6. Funeral Procession of the King of Mechaocan. (Ibid'.) 208 7. The Christmas Festival in the Church of Petapa. (Ibid '.) 262 8. Thomas Gage in the Dominican Habit . . 272 (Frontispiece of the Dutch edition of 1700.) 9. Flying Locusts. {Ihid.) . . . .288 MAPS (From the Second English Edition) 1. The Islands of the West Indies . . .18 (Drawn by Michael Sparkes from a mixture oj Spanish and Dutch material.) 2. New Spain ..... 64 (Shewing only the region between Mexico City and the Pacific coast.) 3. The Spanish Main, New Granada and Popayan . 344 • • Vll
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