An inquiry into the causes and effects of the variolæ vaccinæ, a disease discovered in some of the western counties of England, particularly Gloucestershire, and known by the name of the cow pox / by Edward Jenner.
- Jenner, Edward, 1749-1823.
- Date:
- 1798
Licence: Public Domain Mark
Credit: An inquiry into the causes and effects of the variolæ vaccinæ, a disease discovered in some of the western counties of England, particularly Gloucestershire, and known by the name of the cow pox / by Edward Jenner. Source: Wellcome Collection.
Provider: This material has been provided by London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Library & Archives Service. The original may be consulted at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Library & Archives Service.
28 results
- Found on image 17 / 101…proved, by experiments, that the Dog is the Wolf in a degenerated ftate. • ^ In this Dairy Country a great number of Cows are kept, and the office of milking is performed indifcriminately by Men and Maid Servants. One of the former having been appointed to apply dreffings to the heels of a Horfe affected w...
- Found on image 17 / 101…ed to apply dreffings to the heels of a Horfe affected with the Greafe^ and not paying due attention to cleanli- nefs, incautioufly bears his part in milking the Cows, with fome particles of the infeftious matter ad- hering to his fingers. When this is the cafe, it commonly happens that a difeafe is commun...
- Found on image 18 / 101… applied, frequently degenerate into pha- gedenic ulcers, which prove extremely trouble- fome ^\ The animals become indifpofed, and the fecrefcion of milk is much leffened* Inflamed Ipots now begin to appear on different parts of the hands of the domeftics employed in milking, and fome- times on the wri...
- Found on image 18 / 101…ifpofed, and the fecrefcion of milk is much leffened* Inflamed Ipots now begin to appear on different parts of the hands of the domeftics employed in milking, and fome- times on the wrifts, which quickly run on to fup- puration, firft aifuming the appearance of the fmall vefications produced by a burn. Moft...
- Found on image 21 / 101…res frequently appear fpontaneoufly on the nipples of Cows, and inftances have occurred, though very rarely, of the hands of the fervants employed in milking being afFedlied with fores in confequence, and even of their feeling an indifpofition from abforption. Thefe puftules are of a much milder nature tha...
- Found on image 23 / 101…ERRET, now an Under Gardener to the Earl of Berkeley, lived as a Servant with a Farmer near this place in the year 1770, and occafionally aflifted in milking his mailer's cows. Several horfes belonging to the farm began to have fore heels, which Merret frequently attended. The cows foon became afFefted wit...
- Found on image 28 / 101…manner: it was given by means of her handhng fome of the fame utenfils ^ which were in ufe among the fervants of the family, who had the difeafe from milking infefled cows. Her hands had many of the Cow-pox fores upon them, and they were commu- nicated to her nofe, which became inflamed and very much fwoln...
- Found on image 28 / 101…o violent a degree that it proved fatal to him. * When the Cow Pox has prevailed in the dairy, it has often been com- municated to thofe who have not milked the cows, by the handle of the milk pail. In the year 1778 the Small Pox prevailed very much at Berkeley, and Mrs. H not feeling perfedly fatisfied r...
- Found on image 28 / 101…l to him. * When the Cow Pox has prevailed in the dairy, it has often been com- municated to thofe who have not milked the cows, by the handle of the milk pail. In the year 1778 the Small Pox prevailed very much at Berkeley, and Mrs. H not feeling perfedly fatisfied refpefting her fafety (no indifpofiti...
- Found on image 30 / 101…a cow which was purchafed in an infefted ftate at a neighbouring fair, and not one of the Farmers cows (confifting of thirty) which were at that time milked efcaped the contagion. The family confifted of a man fervant, two dairymaids, and a fervant boy, who/with the Farmer himfelf, were twice a day employ...
- Found on image 30 / 101…ed the contagion. The family confifted of a man fervant, two dairymaids, and a fervant boy, who/with the Farmer himfelf, were twice a day employed in milking the cattle. The whole of this family, except Sarah Wynne, one of the dairymaids, had gone through the Small Pox. The confequence was, that the Farmer...
- Found on image 31 / 101…the Cow Pox after it has felt that of the Small Pox, and although in general, as I have obferved, they who have had the SmaU Pox, and are employed in milking cows which are infefted with the Cow Pox, either efcape the diforder, or have fores on the hands without feeling any general indifpofition, yet the a...
- Found on image 32 / 101…ted of the Farmer^ his wife, two fons, a man and a maid fervant; all of whom, except the Farmer (who was fearful of the confequences), bore a part in milking the cows. The whole of them, ex- clufive of the man fervant, had regularly gone through the Small Pox; but in this cafe no one who milked the cows ef...
- Found on image 32 / 101… a part in milking the cows. The whole of them, ex- clufive of the man fervant, had regularly gone through the Small Pox; but in this cafe no one who milked the cows efcaped the contagion. All of them had fores upon their hands, and fome degree of general indifpofition, preceded by pains and tumours in th...
- Found on image 37 / 101…h Mr. Brom- edge, a gentleman who refides on his own farm in this parifli, in the year 1782. He was employed in applying at the fame time affifted in milking the cows. The cows became alfefted in confequence, but the difeafe did not fliew itfelf on their nipples till feveral weeks after he had begun to dre...
- Found on image 37 / 101…and he was much indifpofed with the ufual fymptoms. Concealing the nature of the malady from Mr. Cole, his new maMr, and being there alfo employed in milking, the Cow Pox was communicated to the cows. . ■nm^^^si'^^.^'-m^^^^^^^'^^^^^^^^^'-^ Some Some years afterwards Nichols was employed in a farm where the ...
- Found on image 51 / 101…very fimilar to thofe which affefted them on fickening with that malady. Wherret never had had the Small-pox. Haynes was daily employed as one of the milkers at the farm, and the difeafe began to fliew itfelf among the cows about ten days after he firft affifted in wafliing the mare's heels. Their nipples ...
- Found on image 69 / 101…can be traced to a cow introduced among the general general herd which has been previoufly infefted, or to an infeBed fervant), unlefs they have been milked by fome one who, at the fame time, has the care of a horfe aife6led with difeafed heels. The fpring of the year 1797, which I intended particularly t...
- Found on image 70 / 101…ncreafed after it has a6led on the nipples of the cow, as it rarely happens that the horfe horfe afFe6ls his dreffer with fores, and as rarely that a milk-maid efcapes the infe6lion when flie milks infeded cows. It is moft aftive at the commencement of the difeafe, even before it has acquired a pus-like appe...
- Found on image 70 / 101… of the cow, as it rarely happens that the horfe horfe afFe6ls his dreffer with fores, and as rarely that a milk-maid efcapes the infe6lion when flie milks infeded cows. It is moft aftive at the commencement of the difeafe, even before it has acquired a pus-like appearance; indeed I am not confident whet...
- Found on image 71 / 101…hat when the Cow-pox vims is once generated, that the cows cannot refift the contagion, in whatever ftate their nipples may chance to be, if they are milked with an infe6led hand. Whether the matter, either from the cow or the orfe will afFe6l the found Ikin of the human body, I cannot pofitively determin...
- Found on image 87 / 101…introduftion of inoculation firft occafioned the difcovery. Its '1 Its rife in this country may not have been of very remote date, as the praftice of milking cows ♦ might formerly have been in the hands of women only; which I believe is the cafe now in fome other dairy countries, and, confequently that the...
- Found on image 87 / 101…y unknown. The reafon feems obvious. The bufinefs of the dairy is condu6ted by women only* Were the meaneft vaffal among the men, employed there as a milker at a dairy, Jbe would feel his fituation unpleafant beyond all endurance. K * appearance appearance of the Cow-pox here may either be entirely exting...
- Found on image 93 / 101…-pox virus and the variolous. Elizabeth Sarfenet lived as a dairy maid at New- park farm, in this parifh. All the cows and the fer- vants employed in milking had the Cow-pox; but this woman, though fhe had feveral fores upon her fingers, felt no tumors in the axillae, nor any general indifpofition. On bein...
- Found on image 95 / 101…ation of three or four fmall abfceffes. The inflamed parts were fomented, and dreflings were applied by fome of the fame perfons who were employed in milking the cows. The number of cows milked was twenty-four, and the whole of them had the Cow-pox. The milkers, confifting of the farmer's wife, a man and a...
- Found on image 95 / 101…s. The inflamed parts were fomented, and dreflings were applied by fome of the fame perfons who were employed in milking the cows. The number of cows milked was twenty-four, and the whole of them had the Cow-pox. The milkers, confifting of the farmer's wife, a man and a maid fervant, were infefted by the ...
- Found on image 95 / 101…fome of the fame perfons who were employed in milking the cows. The number of cows milked was twenty-four, and the whole of them had the Cow-pox. The milkers, confifting of the farmer's wife, a man and a maid fervant, were infefted by the cows. The man fervant had previoufly gone through the Small-pox, and ...
- Found on image 96 / 101…r of thefe difeafes, felt its efFe6ls very leverely. L That That the difeafe produced upon the cows by the colt and from thence conveyed to thofe who milked them was the true and not the Jpurious Cow-pox there can be fcarcely any room for fufpicion; yet it would have been more completely fatisfaftory, had...