Memoir of the life of Thomas Young M.D., F.R.S. With a catalogue of his works and essays / [By Hudson Gurney].

  • Gurney, Hudson, 1775-1864.
    The following Articles, of a later date than those contained in the above Catalogue, are Unown to have been written by Dr. Young. 74. Hieroglyphical Fragments. Brande’s Philosophical Journal, April—June, 1827.-Hieroglyphical Fragments; with some Remarks on English Grammar: in a Letter to Baron William Von Humboldt. Brande’s Phil. Journal, July—September, 1827._Hieroglyphical Fragments, illustrative of Inscriptions preserved in the British Museum; with some Remarks on M. Champollion’s Opinions t in a Letter to the Cavalier San Quintino. Brande’s Phil. Journal, October—December, 1827. _Hieroglyphical Fragments. Brande’s Phil. Journal, Ja¬ nuary— March, 1828. 75. A Letter to M. Arago, relating to M. Champollion’s Discoveries: dated, Geneva, July 1828. Inserted in the Clas¬ sical Journal, No. 75. 76. Comparison of different Tables of Mortality. Brande’s Phil. Journal, December 1828. 77. Letter to Mr. Bailey, April 1829. 78. A Translation of Fresnel’s Elementary View of theUndu- latory Theory of Light. In various Numbers of Brande’s Phil. Journal; commenced in January 1827, and concluded in April 1829. 79. Dr. Young left also—Rudiments of an Egyptian Dic¬ tionary in the ancient Enchorial Character; containing all the Words of which the Sense has been ascertained. Intended as an Appendix to Mr. Tattam’s Coptic Grammar. (This Work was under the hands of the Lithographer at the time of his death.)
    LONDON: Printed by J. L. Cox, Great Queen Street, Lincoln’s-Inn Fields.
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