Lecture, introductory to the course on the theory and practice of medicine : in the Medical Department of Pennsylvania College, session of 1846-47 / by W. Darrach.

  • Darrach, William, 1796-1865.
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    CORRESPONDENCE. ——«— Philadelphia, November 10/fi, 1846. Prof. W, Daksach. Dear Sir : , /-,i ■ «v,<^ The undersigned, a Committee selected from the Class mine Medical Department of Pennsylvania College, have the honor to solicitacopy of your Introductory Lecture for publication. In discharging this pleasing duty, We are respectfully yours, &c. B. D. HOLCOMB, Pennsylvania, A. MACDONALD, Nova Scotia. W. L. FOSS, St. Croix. G. W. KNOBLE, Germany. GEO. GUIER, Jr., Pennsylvania. E.W.CUNNINGHAM, Tennessee. WM. W. ESTABROOKS, N. Brunswick. JOHN SMITH, Virginia. H. BURKLEO, Illinois. H. A. JEWETT, Massachusetts. WM.H.HULL, Maryland. A. B. WILLIAMS, Michigan. THOS. S. HOLLINSHEAD, Pennsylvania. C. J. FREELAND, North Carolina. B. R. FITCH, Vermont. JOS. B.SUDLER, Delaware. A. F. M'INTYRE, New York. J. F. ADOLPHUS, Jamaica. CHRISTIAN BLASER, Ohio. JOHN E. WHITESIDE, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, December 31 st, 1846. Gentlemen: , ,• . i * With my hearty compliance to your polite and complimental request, and my regret that the Lecture in question is not more worthy of publication, per- mit me to take this opportunity of expressing my abiding desire for your welfare, and for that of each member of the Class. Your obedient servant, W. DARRACH. To Messrs. Holcomb, Macdonald, Foss,) committee. Knoble, and others. J
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