Acu-moxa chart: stomach channel of foot yangming, Chinese
- Luo Shaoji
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The names of the acu-moxa locations of the stomach channel of foot yangming are inscribed on a human figure. The stomach channel of foot yangming is one of the Twelve Channels. It originates at the touwei (Head's Binding) point, on the forehead, and terminates at the lidui (Sharp Opening) point, at the end of the second toe. For a list of point names, see 'Lettering'.
Picture title: Stomach channel of foot yangming. Other lettering (point names): Touwei (Head's Binding); xiaguan (Lower Pass); jiache (Jawbone); chengqi (Receiving Tears); sibai (Four Whites); juliao (Stationary Crevice); dicang (Earth Granary); daying (Great Welcome); shuitu (Water Prominence); qihu (Qi Door); burong (Not Contained); chengman (Receiving Fullness); tianshu (Celestial Pivot); shuidao (Water Passage); biguan (Thigh Pass); dubi (Calf's Nose); san li (Three Miles); chongyang (Rushing Yang); lidui (Sharp Opening).