Medical illustrations in medieval manuscripts / by Loren MacKinney.

  • MacKinney, Loren C. (Loren Carey), 1891-1963
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    169 .1 W eimar, East Germany, L andesbibliothek, MS F .59 (14th c). Medical miscellany, ff. i, 35, 53. A uthor, D iagnosis: M esue with U roscopy flask (De simpìicibus medicamentis). M ateria M edica, R egimen: I saac J udaeus collects fruit (De dietis universalibus). D iagnosis: I saac J udaeus does U roscopy; takes P ulse (De uritiis). W ien, see V ienna. 170 .1 W olfenbuttel, West Germany, H erzlichen B ibliothek, MS 1 .8. Aug. 2°(i6i5) (i4 -i5th c). A vicenna, Canon. f. 3. A uthor, D iagnosis: with U roscopy flask. .2 , MS 8.7. Aug. 4 £, (2973) (c. 1500). Astrological-medical miscellany. IF. 125-126V, 139, 140V. R egimen: F our T emperaments. B athing, B lood letting: couple in tub eating and drinking, others bled by cupping. M edi cation: doctor administers C lyster to bed-patient, uroscopy -flask carrier on wall. .3 , MS 18.2. Aug. 4°(3i33) (15th c). Astrological-medical miscellany. f. no. A natomy, B loodletting-man: with Z odiac signs, internal organs exposed. .4 , MS 18.18. Aug. 4 0 (15th c). Astrological-medical miscellany (in German). f. 1 24V. P rognosis: Z odiac-man with captions of four temperaments in margins. .5 , MS 20.16. Aug. 4°(3245) (15th c). Astrological-medical miscellany (in German), f. 69. B loodletting-man. .6 , MS 79. Aug. 2°(2778) (15th c). Herbal-animal miscellany (in German). ff. 1-174 passim. M ateria M edica: herbs and animals. .7 , MS 81.4. Aug. 2°(2794) (14th c). Medical miscellany. f. 231. B loodletting-man: with points for cupping. .8 , MS 85.2. Aug. 2°(2855) (15th c). Medical miscellany. f. 104. B loodletting: doctor bleeds arm of bed-patient. .9 , MS Helmstadt 760(696) (15th c). Astrological-medical miscellany. f. 130V. P rognosis: Z odiac-man. W roclaw, see B reslau. 171. i W urzburg, West Germany, U niversity (Universitätsbibliothek), MS .106 (14-15 th c). Astrological-medical miscellany.* f. 85. B loodletting-man. .2 , MS .150 (15th c). T homas de C antimpré, De rerum natura. ff. 49v-2iiv. M ateria M edica: herbs and animals (including monsters).