Volume 1

Italy / by K. Mason.

  • Great Britain. Naval Intelligence Division.
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    PAGE (235)—The Carnic Alps (237)—The Julian Alps (239)—ISTRIA (241)—Introduction (241)—Istria Rossa (245)—Istria Grigia (246)—Istria Bianca (247)—The Vipacco—Timavo Depression (248)—The Istrian Alps (249)—THE NORTHERN PLAIN (250)— Introduction (250)—Piedmont (257)—Lombardy (260)— Venetia (262)—Emilia (265)—-THE PRE-APENNINES (266)— Introduction (266)—The Apuan Alps (269)—The Lower Arno Region (270)—The Tuscan Upland (274)—The North Latin Hills (277)—-The Roman Campagna (278)—The Alban Hills (280)—The Pontine Marshes (281)—The Middle Arno Valley (282)—The Tiber Valley (285)—-CamMpania (286)—Introduction (286)—The Lepini Mountains (289)—Roccamonfina, M. Mag- giore, and M. Massico (290)—The Latin Valley (292)—The Plain of Campania (293)—The Sorrentine Peninsula (298)— The Sele Basin (299)—THE APENNINES (300)—Introduction (300)—THE NORTHERN APENNINES (301)—Introduction (301)— The Ligurian Apennines (304)—The Etruscan Apennines (306) —THE CENTRAL APENNINES (310)—Introduction (310)—The Roman Apennines (314)—Umbria (318)—Sabina and the Aquila Plateau (321)—The Abruzzi Apennines (325)—Meta and Matese (326)—Molise (327)—THE SOUTHERN APENNINES (328)—Introduction (328)—The Avella—~T‘aburno Highlands (332)—The Benevento Basin (333)—-The Avellino Basin (334) —The Monti Picentini (334)—-The Marzano Plateau (335)— The Cilento (335)—The Vallo di Diano (336)—The North Lucanian Apennines (337)—The Upper Agri Basin (337)— The South Lucanian Apennines (338)—The Neapolitan Apen- nines (340)—M. Vulture (340)—The East Lucanian Apennines (341)—CALABRIA (342)—Introduction (342)—The Catena Cos- tiera of Paola (347)—-The Crati Valley (349)—The Sila (352)— The Catanzaro 'Trough (353)—The Serre (356)—The Monte Poro Plateau (357)—The Mesima—Gioia Trough (358)—The Aspromonte (359)—The East Coast Tertiary Margin (361)— ‘THE APULIAN REGION (364)—Introduction (364)—The Taranto— Tavoliere Corridor (367)—The Salentine Peninsula (371)—The Murge (374)—The Tavoliere di Puglia (380)—The Gargano Promontory (383)—THE ADRIATIC COASTLAND (385)—SICILY (389)—Introduction (389)—Western Sicily (394)—The North- ern Highland (397)—South Central Sicily (399)—South-eastern Sicily (401). Ve UCR INOATE: 1 e 406 GENERAL (ise) taeda ae (eevee becouse Winds (411)—Upper Winds (416)—Rough Sea and Swell (417) —Temperature (417)—Humidity (422)—Rainfall (423)—Snow (426)—Visibility (430)—Cloud (431)—Thunder and Hail (432) —REGIONAL (432)—Continental Italy (432)—The Peninsula (435)—The Islands (437). VI. VEGETATION AND ANIMAL LIFE ; : i ao VEGETATION (440)—Flora and Vegetation peat Com- munities (445)—Cultivated Woody Plants (451)—Brushwoods (454)—Heaths (456)—Communities of Herbs and Low Shrubs
    PAGE (457)—Marshlands and Aquatic Vegetation (458)—Coastal Communities (459)—Introduced Plants (461)—Cover and Penetrability of Chief Woody Communities (462)—Index of Plants (463)—ANIMAL LIFE (467). APPENDIXES I. Voucanic ACTIVITY . : ‘ é : =, 47 II. EARTHQUAKES . : : : : : . 478 III. ‘BADLANDS’ _.. ; : : ; . 489 IV. LANDSsLIPs : : : ; : : : 401 V. Lakes ; : ; ‘ ‘ : : . 496 VI. Rivers. : : : : : ; ; 508 VII. Ciimatic STATISTICS . : ; : 7 5is Table 1. Frequency of Wind Direction. ss 2. Number of Days with Moderate and Rough Sea. . Temperature. . Number of Days with Frost. . Relative Humidity. . Precipitation. . Number of Rain-days. . Number of Days with Snowfall. . Number of Days with Visibility less than § mile and 2 nautical miles in each Season. », 10. Number of Days with Fog. 5, 11. Number of Days with Fog per Season. », 12. Duration of Sunshine. 3» 13. Cloud: Amount. 5, 14. Number of Days with Thunder. 5», 15. Number of Days with Hail. 0 CONT DUI BW VIII. CONVERSION TABLES: METRIC AND BRITISH UNITS . 2) a3 IX. BIBLIOGRAPHY, Maps, AND AUTHORSHIP. : : 1) 558 INDEX . : : : : : : a1 '562
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