Segment 1 The intertitles give the patient's history and results of his examination. The patient is shown lying on the operating table. The skin incision is made. The skin is undercut. The muscles of the abdominal wall are cut. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:19:20 Length: 00:05:19:20
Segment 2 The cutting of the muscles of the abdominal wall continues. The blood vessels are ligatured. Towels are applied, and the kidney retractor is placed in position. The posterior fascia of the kidney is incised. The kidney is exposed and its adhesions separated. The ureter is exposed, clamped and cut across. The cut ends are seared with carbolic acid. Time start: 00:05:19:20 Time end: 00:10:31:10 Length: 00:05:11:15
Segment 3 The kidney is delivered from the wound. The vascular pedicle is cleared and clamped. The kidney is cut away from the vascular pedicle and removed. The vascular pedicle is tied. Time start: 00:10:31:10 Time end: 00:16:06:22 Length: 00:05:36:12
Segment 4 The abdominal muscles are sutured. The kidney wound is shown after suture. The removed kidney is dissected and displayed. Time start: 00:16:06:22 Time end: 00:21:29:24 Length: 00:05:23:02