Aldobrandino of Siena and others, miscellany

Mid 14th Century
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Aldobrandino of Siena and others, miscellany


1. ff. 1r-80v Aldobrandino of Siena, Le régime du corps

f. 1r Au commencement de cest livre li dirons pour quoi il fu fait. Et la ou il fu pris. Il fu fait a la requeste la comtesse de prouvence qui fu mere La Royne de France La Royne d'Engleterre La Royne d'alemaigne, et la comtesse d'aniou. Et le fist maistre alebra de florence l'an de l'incarnacion ihesu crist mil. cc. et lvi ... f. 1v ... Diez qui per la grant puissance ... f. 80v ... du visage. Explicit li livres de phisique en Roumans.

2. ff. 80v-86v Recipe collection in French and Latin

f. 80v A touz leche prenez ... f. 86v ... n'etat sirones.

3. ff. 87r-88v Table of contents for the following three works

f. 87r Ce sont les chapitres de cest livre. Les vaines ... f. 88v Del ygures.

4. ff. 88v-112v, 114r-v Hippocrates, Epistola ad Caesarem

f. 88v Ci commence li livre de toutes maladies que Ypocras li sages iiii humeurs ... f. 114v li guerra.

5. f. 114v Prayer against fever

f. 114v Pro febris. Accipe tres ... cum patri etc.

6. ff. 114v-113r Veterinary recipes

f. 114v Ci commence la cure des chevals de toutes manieres de maladies. Quant cheval est esperonne ... f. 113r ... nouvel foin.

7. ff. 113r-v, 115r-v, 116r-v Treatise on how to store wines

f. 113r Ci commence la cure de garder toute manieres de vin ... Pour guerir I tonnel de vin ... f. 116v ... poez garder.

8. ff. 115v, 117r-123r Lapidiary

f. 115v Ci commence le lapidaire. Len truere lisant que Euans li rois darabe envoia a Neiron ... Li aymant vienet dynde ... f. 123r ... en or fin. Explicit.


Mid 14th Century

Physical description

1 volume ii + 124 + ii ff. 8vo. 16 1/2 x 11 cm. On vellum. 19th cent. French calf gilt binding. Last leaf slightly defective: margins cropped in re-binding. Ff. 113-116 have been bound in wrong order. Written in a rounded gothic book-hand, 30 lines to a page. Headings and paragraph marks in red, a few in blue. Large ornamental initial A on the first leaf in blue and red, with marginal decoration surrounding the text. Other initials in red and blue, blue and red, red and purple with marginal decorations. A pencilled foliation has been added. At the end of the 'Lapidaire' is an inscription: 'Ce present liure faisant mencion/de medecine et de la vertuz des/pierres precieuses Est a homme/honorable Jehan perraul[t] citoyen de chalon ... le xxiii Jour de mars/lan courant mil iiiio soixante et quatre J perrault'. On the last leaf recto are two other inscriptions by Perrault, one dated 3 May 1465 apparently referring to the mis-bound leaves. On the verso of f. 123 is another inscription by a different late 15th cent. owner: 'A homme honorable et discret/monsieur iohan cherizier/mestre bachelier escolier'.

Acquisition note

Purchased 1930.

Biographical note

Written in France.

Ownership note

On f. 123r is the autograph of 'Jehan Perrault, citoyen de chalon' and the date 24 March 1464 [ie 1465]. On f. 123v another fifteenth-century hand has written the name Johannes Cherizer. From the Ashburnham Library (Barrois Collection 165), sold at Sotheby's 10/6/1901, Lot 6.

Finding aids

Catalogue description modified in 2014. For original description, see S.A.J. Moorat, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library (London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1962-1973).


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    Closed stores

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Accession number

  • 56301