[Report 1948] / Medical Officer of Health, Hay U.D.C.

  • Hay (Wales). Urban District Council.
    Drainage and Seweraye, the river %e. The sewage in the district is not treated in any way hut is discharged direct in to Number of visits made by sanitary inspector in connection ^th drainage v/orh Public Cleansing, There was no change in the methods adopted for the t-'-dec; wcehly collection and disposal of house refuse. This work is done by the Council employees under the supervision of your surveyor. The refuse is then disposed of by tipping. During the year a nev/ refuse lorry was puroLased which also ujidertakes the refuse collection for Hay Hural a.nd Pninseastle, Sanitary' Inspection of the Area, inspector. The/following details work of the sanitary ihspector •The sanitary inspection of the ; was undertaken by the sanitary ;ive inform'^tion relating to the the year, I mr mg ’reJ N'uisanocs, Nuaibcr of complaints rccoivcd., 33, Number of complaints investigated, 33. Number of premises inspeeted,....,.,o,,o.» 21, Number of premises revisit od. ,,,.,16, Number of preliminarj:^ notices served, ..17, Number of statutory notices served, .0. There has boon great difficulty exporicncod during the year in carrying' out repairs owing to the limited supply of building material It is to be hoped that a greater supply of material will soon bo available for the repair of domestic property to prevent decent property deteriora.ting. Houses lot in lodgings. It is not considered that any of the houses in the district arc of such a nature as to require control under byelaws made under section 6 of the Housing Act, 1036, OffensiVC Trados, There arc no offensive trades in thedistrict. Common Lodging Houses, There are no common lodging' houses in the district. Licensed Premises, Number of visits made by sanitary inspector,,o.,.20, Shops, Number of inspections undo.., c. ,,,o . ,18, Factories. Nujaber of factories on register,. ,,o,.,,o,, ,19, Number of inspections made. 12, Number of defects found. .A. These defects were v/ant of elcanlincss and defective sanitary accommodation, and all were remedied. There is no licensed camping site in the district. Camping Sites
    Eradication of Bed Buys ancl Stops taken to combat Infestation, Any promises found as a result of inspection or complaint to Idg infested vjith "bed Im^rs or other voriain is treated with preparations. Number of preraisos inspected for vermin during the yecar ...0* Rodent Control, One full time rodent operative is engaged by the Council, This same, operative is also engaged by the Hay Rural Coimcil, This operative worked under the supervision of the sanitary inspector. Number of premises inspected dui’ing the year,, ,252; Number of premises found infested .,,.,54, Number of premises treated by rodent operative,...., ,,..,34, Number of premises treated by occupier,,.. 20, Number of dead rats recovered,, .,,135. Estimated number of rats killed during the year,507, Lcgal Pr0c00dings, No legal proceedings were undertaken by the Council during the year, SECTION 5. HQUSIHO. There wa.s no appreciable difference in the housing conditions in the district dujaing the yoare, Owing to the oornpleto cessation of buildnng operations duringthe war years the housirjig situation vwas acute. The Council had under construction 24 houses during the year a.nd at the end of the year, 20 of these were completed. Six further houses were to be built and work was also commenced on the conversion of the isolation hospital into 3 flats. Number of house to house inspections made .,..75, SECTION 6. INSPECTION AND SUPERVISION OF EOOI), Mi Ik, Milk sa.mpling in the district is carried out under the National Milk Testing and Advisory Scheme, Under this scheme an attempt is made by the sanitary inspector to test each rct<?.iler^s milk every’tv\^o v;ceks, ’.Tholcsalc milk is tested at the various creameries. The laboratory functioning under this scheme is situated at Brecon, Under this scheme milk is graded into tliree categories. Category A... ,G-ood keeping quality milk. Category B..Noubtful keeping quality milk. Categoiy C, Poor quality milk. The results of the milk samples taken d.uring the year is given below; Numbor of sa.mp 1 es Number of results Number of results Number of results Meat, There.'is no district is Point at Brecon, taken during the- yca.r, 86. in Category A. 82, in Category ;B 1. in Category^' C .3, slaughterhouse in the district. All meat to the supplied from the Ministry of Pood Slaughtering Other Foods, Number of tins condemned,.; 131, Number of pounds condemned, .154,
    Food Prepara tion Rooms {Inoludinr: BalechouGos) , Nuiiiber of inspections made..o 14:, ^0 Creavin P3?cmiscs, Number of inspections madco.o. *,19, Fish and Fried Fish Shops, Number of inspections made.,. 9 « 0 o « e 8, SECTION 7. prevalence HNI) CONTROL OF INFECTIOUS FISFhSE. The foliovving number of notifiable infectious disease were reported to me during the year. heuto pneumonia 1 case Measles, •...,,,1 case Whooping cough,.4 oases The district therefore was free of any severe epidemic of infectious disease. The pnoujiionia case proved fatal. None of these cases were removed to hospital. Under the hew Health Act, aj.l fees paid by the Council for the notification of infectious disease are refunded by the County Council, provided that copies of the notifications are received by that authority. Venereal Disease, The County Council has an agreement with the Cencral and Eye Hospital, Gwansoa, for the treatment of these cases. The tracing of contacts and the following up of defaulters is the responsibility of the County Council, Tuberculosis. The follov/ing details show the position as regards tuberculosis in recent years; Number of cases on the register at commencement of year .,.8, Number of fresh cases added during the year 6, Number of cases removed due to dearth, *S, Number of cases removed as recovored. ....2, Number of cases removed as left the district, ,1. Number of cases left on the register at end of year, .9. The number of notifications in recent years is shown below; 19Z>9, 1940, 1941, 1942. 1943. 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947. 1948. 0, 2, 4, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 0, 6, The County Council is responsible for the allov/ances scheme. Plphtheria Imiaunisation. As a result of the now Health Act, the County Council became responsible for the imrnuniSection of children against diphtheria and details for the district will be found in tho aimual report of the County Medical Officer, In hGcombcr of the year, the County Council took over all those duties from me. Facilities for immunisation are now available at the ordinary Maternity and Child Welfare clinics and also at the schools during the school medical inspections. There were no cases of diphtheria in the district during the year. Yours faithfully, T,C.F,George, Medical Officer of Health,
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