Part of:
Napsbury Mental Hospital, St Albans
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


J J Keegan, Diagnosis of herniation of lumbar intervertebral disks by neurologic signs, Journal of the American Medical Association Vol 126 2 Dec 1944

W J T Kimber, A case of pellagra with recurring attacks, Journal of Mental Science Jul 1927

W P Kraemer, The German illness and recovery, ?published by the author [c. 1944/45]

W T Kimber, The medical superintendent: his future position and functions, British Medical Journal 10 Apr 1943

A Lewis, Social effects of neurosis, The Lancet 6 Feb 1943

C J Longland and R MacKeith, The film in medical education: I: planning, with Brian Stanford, II: Production and Scope, The Lancet 4 Nov 1944

M C Luff and M Garrod, The after-results of psychotherapy in 500 adult cases, British Medical Journal 13 Jul 1935

R D Lawrence, A weighed diabetic diet: the "line-ration" scheme, new and revised edition London: H K Lewis and Co Ltd 1932

D R MacCalman, Minor degress of mental defect, The Practitioner Vol CXLIX Jul 1942

S A MacKeith, Pellagra associated with a senile confusional psychosis, 23rd Annual Report of the Board of Control for the year 1936

S A MacKeith and A Meyer, A death during insulin treatment of schizophrenia: with pathological report, Journal of Mental Science Jan 1939

S A MacKeith and D N Parfitt, Suicide after treatment as voluntary patients, British Medical Journal 27 Aug 1938

Proceedings of the staff meetings of the Mayo Clinic, The insulin-hypoglycemia treatment of schizophrenia: results in treated and untreated cases, Vol 13 no 8 23 Feb 1938

E R A Merewether, Dust and the lungs: with particular references to silicosis and asbestosis, Medical Press and Circular Vol CXCVII no 3, 20 Jul 1938

L v Meduna, On the most common errors in convulsion therapy, translated from Psychiatrisch-Neurologische Wochenschrift nos 8 and 9, 1938 duplicated ts

Col W C Menninger, Teaching outlines of psychiatry for nurses and attendants, Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic Vol 8 no 2 Mar 1944

E Miller, Scientific treatment of delinquency, British Medical Journal 30 May 1936

M Moore, The making of a ward attendant, Hospitals: the journal of the American Hospital Association Vol 18 no 1 Jan 1944

[J N P Moore] Board of Control (England and Wales), Pre-frontal leucotomy in 1000 cases, HMSO 1947

S A MacKeith, Development of the Coventry Psychiatric Outpatient Centre during 1937 and 1938, unpublished ts

[S A MacKeith], Some modern methods of treatment used in mental hospitals, [for AOT journal] unpublished ts

S A MacKeith, A method of treating agitation associated with undernourishment, unpublished ts [c. 1936]

S A MacKeith, An investigation of bromide intoxication in newly-admitted female patients, unpublished ts [c. 1937]



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