Saint Brigid (?). Oil painting by an Italian (?) painter, 16th century.
- Reference:
- 44772i
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The inscription on this painting identifies the saint as Saint Brigid, patron saint of expectant mothers. She is holding a palm in her left hand. She is not shown as a nun, though the two saints called Saint Brigid (Irish and Swedish) are both usually shown wearing the garb of their orders.
Physical description
1 painting : oil on wood ; wood 77.4 x 30.4 cm
Related material
Select images of this work were taken by the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum: WT/D/1/20/1/44/70
S. Brigida
Creator/production credits
Various attributions: 1. "circle of W. Key"; 2. "not Dutch or Flemish but North Italian or Spanish in style"; 3. "it might be by Brima"
Wellcome Collection 44772i
Where to find it
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