Memoria technica: or, a new method of artificial memory, applied to and exemplified in chronology, history, geography, astronomy, also Jewish, Grecian and Roman coins, weights and measures, &c. : with tables proper to the respective sciences, and memorial lines adapted to each table / by Richard Grey.

  • Grey, Richard, 1694-1771.
    ¥54 MimMoriA Tacuniéa. The B-abylonifh Tanmud about 560, or in the Beginning of the Sixth Century [Tal-sag]} This latter is only in Efteem amongft the Jews. Vid. Prid. Connedét. p. 328. . Mifna-ps Traut Hakad-AnP Tal = Mif-Gema Tal- jerzg Tal-sug. Charaéteres Arithmetic? CRme1 & HeprRatrct. | Ab-Gé-y1-d0 eu 5 ats Cot-yk-Jou-ia véZ-d1-yn9 pit-F AU. Op-awei Sou pd-ce-rt uf Ou=yau Wot-puee ou. N5-3e-hi-To Mu-lau tor Mk Mou 3a Se2-b7- 0 Ju-Dau. | yp-bez SOU pa-Ne=bye Af qw-Bau joique Het {0%. 7 . ae The Decads and Hundreds will be eafily diftin- euithed from each other, and therefore only the Artt Figute is added as 57 fo. b= 3 i. @: 30. 76 fc. 4==¢ i.e. 200, Pronounce bez kopsv, oa Sanpow, nf Thauf, you tfadan. The Azes of Chriftianity as diftinguifbed by Dr. Cave, according to what was moft remarkable in each Century. Cent. I. Sxculum Apenoieath Cent. Il. Seculum G:-nofticum Cent. HE. Seeculum Novatianum . Cent.
    iy Cent. IV. Seculum Arranum Cent. V. Seculum WNestorianum Cent. VI. Seculum Evurychicum Cent. VII. Seculum -Monorneliticum Cent. VII[. Seculum Erconiclafticum Cent. TX. Seculum Puorianum Cent. X. Seculum Osfcurum Cent. XI. Seculum Hui1rdebrandinum Gent. XII. Seculum Waldenfe Cent. XIJI. Seculum Scuolafticum Cent. XIV. Seculum Wiaicxlevianum Cent, XV. Seculum Synodale Cent. XIV. Seculum R-eformatum. Ap-G-Nov Ari-Neft-Eut Monoth-Eic-Phot-Ob Hil- Wa-Scho Wick-Sy-R. The Divifion of thhRomMan Empire out of the Book called Notitia Imperii, faid to be written about the Time of Arcadius and Honorius. ‘The whole Empire was divided into 13 Diocefes under 4 Pragfeéti Pretorio, and about 120 Pro- vinces contained in them. [ Praf= didi = predz ] » The Prefectus Pretoria Orientis, and under him five Diocefes, viz. the Oriental, E-gyptian, A-fiatick, POntick and THracian Bioceies. Ont E-As-Po-Th ] 2. The Prafeétus Pretorio of Irtyricum, and = i him two Diocefes, wiz. Macedonia and D-acia. [ Ill Ma-D ] 3. The Prafetius Pretorio of Iraly, and under him three Diocefes, viz. Iraly, Inlyricum, and Arrica. [It =It-Il-Af ] 4. The Prefectus Pretoria G-alliarum, and under him three Diocefes, viz. Hrspania, Gauria, and B-ritannia, [G@ = His-Ga-B] -
    Pref== Dibi= Pradz Ill=Ma-D Or=E-As- Po-Th It=It-Il-Af G = His-Ga-B. The Dimenfionx of the Ark and Temple. The Length (LOngitudo) of the ARK 300 Cu- Bits. [Ark-lo-cubzg] The Breadth 50 Cubits. The Height (Attitudo) 30 Cubits. [Braz-Alzz] The Length of the Houfe which K. Solomon built for the Lord was 60 Cubits: The Breadth there- of 20 Cubits, and the Height thereof 30 Cubits, t Kings vi. z. [Tem-Lon/fy-Brez-Alty] ‘The Length of the Porch zo Cubits, the Height thereof 120 Cubits, 2 Chron. iii. 4. [ Porez-bez ] Ark-Lo-cubig-Bruz-Aliz. Tem-Lén/y-Brez-Alty Porez-bez. Computation of the Coft, Veffels, Veftments, &c. of Solomon’s Temple. By Villalpandus Computation of the Number of Tatents of Gold, Silver and Brafs, laid out upon the ‘Temple, the Sum amounts to 6904.822,500/, Sterling. [Tal-tem = /ouzo-ked-ug ] And the Jewels are reckon’d to exceed this Sum. Veflels of Gold (Vasa AuREA) confecrated to the Ufe of the Temple, are reckon’d by Fo/ephus 140,000. [ Vaf-aureabézth] Which, according to Capel’s Reduction of the Tables contain’d in them, amounts to 545.296,203 Pounds Sterling. [ /o/- endu-dyt | The Veffels of Silver (Vasa Argentea) 1.340,000 ~[Vas-aratozth] are computed at 439,344,000. [ fin-tofth | Priefts Veftments of Silk (VesTes SERIC#) 10000. [ Velt-fericazth ] . P-urple
    P-urple Veftments for Singers 2,000,000, [Pem ] Trumpets 200,009 [ Tregth] Other Mufical In- sTRuments 40,000. [ Inftroz ] Befides thefe Charges there was that of the other Materials, and of 10,000 Men per Month in Le- banon to hew down Timber (Syivicipe) [ Sylvi- cidaz] To carry Burthens (VecTores) 70,000. [ Vectozx ] To hew Stones (Lapicidinz) 80,000 [ Lapify] and 3300 Overfeers (Episcopi) [ Epif- coptig | who were all employed for 7 Years (ANNis Septem) To whom, befides their Wages and Diet, Solomon gave a free Gift 6.733,977 Pounds. ( Do- num SoLomonis) [s-paut-noip ] The Treafure left by David towards carrying on this Work (RELI- quit David) 911.416,207. [nab-oGs-dyp] N. B. th is left out, as Sylvicidaz for Sylvici- dazth, &c. it being impoffible to miftake 10,000 for 10. Tal-tem = fouxo-ked-ug WVas-aureaboxth = lol- enau- dyt. Vas-aratozth = fin-tofth Treg Inftrox Veft-fericax Pem. An-fept Sylvicidaz Lapify Vettarz Epifcoptig. Don Solomo s-paut-norp reliquit Dav-nab-ods-dyp, The Number of thofe that returned (REpbuces) from the Captivity were 42,360 [Redtfe-tauz] be- fides PRosEtytes 7337. { Profeloztzp ] The particular Sums in EZra’s Catalogue amount to 29,828. [Cat-ézdu- kek | The particular Sums in NeHemiah’s Cksitirue 31,031. [Cat-nehezazid|] How thefe Accounts are reconcil’d, Vide the Index to the Bible. Redufe-taux Profelostip Cat-ézdou-kek Cat-nehetazid.
    The Sizver of them that were numbered of the Congregations was a Hundred Tauents and a Thoufand feven Hundred and threefcore and fifteen Suekels after the Shekel of the Sanctuary, a Br- Kah for every Man, that is half a Shekel after the Shekel of the Sanctuary, for every one that went to be numbered from twenty Years old and upwards for fix Hundred Thoufand and three Thoufand and five Hundred and fifty Men. #wxod. xxviii. 25, 26. Sil-Con=Talg-Shékafoil Bek/yt-luz—=Shekelizappu. Difference of Talents. Attick Minas. At.Drachms A Syrian TAtent contain’d Is 1500 A Proremaic Talent 20 2000 + An Evsoick Talent 60 6000 An Avexandrian Talent 120 12000 An Antiochian ‘Talent 60 6000 A larger ArTick Talent 80 8000 A Basytonith Talent 70 7000 An A‘cinean Talent 100 10000 + A Raopian ,Talent 100 10000 A Tyrian Talent 80 8000 An AXcyprian Talent 80 8000 ‘Tal-Sal Mal Ptolem =ez Eub=auz Alexan == bez & Ant = auz, Att-Maj= ez Babyl=oz Mgin=ag Rh=ag Tyr-Aigypt = ¢z. I fhall