Chinese Materia medica, C17: Plant drugs, Lichee

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Bencao yuanshi (Origins of Materia Medica) by Li Zhongli is a herbal in 12 volumes, containing 379 illustrations. It was first published in 1612. This illustration of the lichee (lizhi) is taken from the revised edition of Ge Ding, engraved in 1638 (11th year of the Chongwen reign period of the Ming dynasty, Wu Yi year). Li Zhongli writes: The lichee tree is rounded and spreading, like a curtain. The fruits are spherical or ovoid. The peel is reddish purple peel and tough in texture, and the flesh is white and semi-transparent. The fruit and the stone are used in medicine. Lichee fruit is sweet in sapor, neutral in thermostatic character, and non-poisonous,It has the medicinal properties of generating saliva/bodily fluids and alleviating thirst; regulating Qi and alleviating. It is used to treat insufficiency of vital Qi; tormenting thirst and tormenting thirst with impairment to bodily fluids; scrofula (luoli), growths and tumours; heavy-headed feeling and dryness in the heart, etc. Lichee stone is sweet and bitter in sapor and cold in thermostatic character, and non-poisonous. It has the medicinal properties of warming the centre, regulating Q and alleviating pain. It is used to treat epigastric (weiwan) pain, hernia pain, menstrual cramps, etc.


Lichee Song kai bao (Kaibao reign period of the Song dynasty, 968-975)


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