Recueil de remèdes. Author's holograph MS. Many of the entries are for cures of venereal diseases, and include on p. 94bis, p. 94ter, 'Traitement anti-vénérien que l'on emploit à l'Hôpital Militaire (Vénérien) de Toulouse 1841'. Pp. 329-340 contain 'Collection de vernis d'après Tingry et Watier'. Pierre François Tingry [1743-1821] was a Swiss chemist whose work on varnish was published in 1803. Watier has not been identified. There are also other entries in varnishes, dyes and colours. Pp. 345-427 contain 277 numbered receipts headed 'Collection de remèdes tirés de la Médecine primitive' i.e. from 'Primitive medicine' by John Wesley [1703-1791], first published in 1747: there was a French translation, which appeared in 1772. These receipts have a separate index. Pp. 445-454 'Diverses recettes tirées d'un livre espagnol imprimé à Logroño 1843'. This has not been identified, and the collection is unfinished. The first leaf is inscribed 'Manuscrit Lacaze Père. Vol. 4'. Produced in Toulouse.