The art of midwifery reduced to principles: in which, are explained the most safe and established methods of practice, in each kind of delivery; with a summary history of the art: translated from the French original: to which is added an appendix by the translator; containing illustrative remarks on conception and pregnancy: and on those particulars, taught by Dr. Astruc, which vary from the methods adopted by the best accoucheurs here / [Jean Astruc].

  • Astruc, Jean, 1684-1766
    bad polltlon of the child. It is proper, in thefe cafes, which are frequent, to know how to turn the child; and deliver it by the feet. The operation is not difficult $ particularly when it is performed early : the uterus being then fupple and lax: and, if the midwife be ignorant how to do it3 fhe ought to renounce her profeffion. P R E-
    PREFACE OF THE TRANSLATOR. /T"*^ H E treatife on the art of midwife¬ ry, of which a tranflation is here given, was, as the late Dr. Aftruc, the author of it, declares, written princi¬ pally for the ufe of the midwives in France; particularly thofe in country places^ who, from the want of fome affiftance of this kind, were left to themfelves in the moft heiplefs date of ignorance, as well of the right methods of pradice, as principles of their art. The great reputation he has borne in other parts of the medical profeffion, makes it needlefs to fay any thing of his charader, and abilities in general: and he has himfelf fet forth, in the preface to this work, the pretenfions he had to knowledge in mid¬
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