Ajuga reptans 'Pink Elf'

  • Dr Henry Oakeley
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Ajuga reptans L. Lamiaceae. Bugle, Bugula vulgaris. Perennial herb. The meaning of 'Ajuga' is obscure', 'reptans' refers to its creeping habit. 'Pink Elf' is a pink flowered cultivar. Distribution: Europe. Culpeper (1650) writes ',,, ... excellent for falls or inward bruises, for it dissolves congealed blood, profitable for inward wounds, helps the rickets and other stoppings of the Liver, outwardly it is of wonderful force in curing wounds and ulcers, though festered, as also gangrenes and fistulas, it helps broken bones and dislocations. To conclude, let my countrymen esteem it as a Jewel...'. Parkinson (1640) documents the historic confusion with Consolida, Symphytum, Prunella, Laurentina, etc. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.


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