Regulations to be observed by candidates, for the diploma.

  • Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
    medical education, must have received regular instructions in the Elements of Mathematics; and must have attended a course of Mechanical Philosophy of at least three months’ duration, delivered by a Professor of that branch in a University, a Lec¬ turer in a public institution, or a Teacher specially recognised by the College. 2. Professional Instruction.—The candidate must have at¬ tended the following separate and distinct courses of lectures during a period of at least four Winter Sessions, or three Win¬ ter and three Summer Sessions, provided that in each Summer Session he shall have attended one or more of the courses pre¬ scribed or recommended by the College, exclusive of Hospital attendance, and also provided that the summer courses of lec¬ tures shall not commence till after the conclusion of the winter courses. * 1 or Anatomy, Practical Anatomy, Chemistry, Practical Chemistry, The number of Pupils in each Class being limited to 25, Materia Medica and Pharmacy, Practical Pharmacy,* Institution of Medicine, or Phy-I siology, ^ . . j Practice of Medicine, Clinical Medicine, 1 } 1 ( or 2 During the period of Attendance at the Hospital where they are delivered. Principles and Practice of Surgery, 2 ( Principles and Practice of Or < Surgery, f and Military Surgery,t ty, * }; Duration at least. Courses, Six Months each. Course, Six Months. Courses, Three Months each. Course, Six Months. Do. ) l i Three Months. ) Do. Six Months. Do. Six Months. Do. Six Months. Do. Six Months. Do. Six Months. Courses, Three Months each. Courses, Six Months each. Course, ( - Six Months each. Do. j * This is required of every candidate who has not served an apprenticeship to a regularly licensed Medical Practitioner, keeping a Laboratory for the dispensing of Medicines. It must be attended, subsequently to attendance on Chemistry and Materia Medica} at the Laboratory ef a Surgeon or Apothecary, or of a Che¬ mist and Druggist recognised by the College on special application, or of a Pub¬ lic Hospital or Dispensary ; and the cand:date must produce evidence that he has been engaged in compounding and dispensing Medicines. t The course of Military Surgery must be delivered by a Professor of that branch in a University, or by a Lecturer, who, in addition to the other required' qualifications, has served in the Medical Department of the Army or Navy; and the course of lectures must be of at least six months’ duration, lectures being delivered at least three times per week.
    { Clinical Surgery,* During the period of attendance at the Hospital where they are delivered. Midwifery and Diseases of ) Women and Children, J Medical Jurisprudence, Course, Six Months. Courses, Three Months each. ' \ Course, Three Months. Course, Three Months. With the exception of the courses of Clinical Medicine, Clinical Surgery, and Military Surgery, in which lectures are not delivered daily, the six months’ courses, delivered in Edinburgh, are understood to consist of five lectures per week for a period of not less than five months. Two London courses of three months each, on any of the above subjects, shall he taken as equivalent to one six months’ course. The candidate must also have attended for eighteen months a Public General Hospital, containing at least eighty beds; or for twelve months such a Public General Hospital, and six months a Medical or Surgical Hospital, or Dispensary, recog¬ nised by the College on special application. The following order of study is recommended as a guide to the student, though not absolutely enjoined. FirBt Year, Anatomy. Chemistry. Mechanical Philosophy, if not previously attended. Second Year, Anatomy. Practical Anatomy. Institutions of Medicine or Physiology. Surgery. Materia Medica and Pharmacy, either in this or the Third Year. Third Year, Practice of Physic. Clinical Surgery. Practical Chemistry*. Practical Pharmacy, either in this or the Fourth Year. Hospital. Fourth Year, Surgery or Military Surgery. Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children. Clinical Medicine. Hospital. Medical Jurisprudence. Clinical Medicine and Clinical Surgery cannot be attended at the same time, unless where the Hospital visit is made by the Clinical Physician and Clinical Surgeon at separate hours.
    The College strongly recommend to students to avail them¬ selves of the opportunities which they may possess of attending lectures on Botany, Natural History, Comparative Anatomy, and Pathological Anatomy, in addition to the courses of lec¬ tures which are absolutely required by the above regulations. % REGISTRATION, CERTIFICATES. A book shall be kept in the Hall of the College for the Registration, at stated times, of all medical students who may apply. The registration shall be conducted by the Conservator of the Museum, or by a Substitute for whom he shall be responsi¬ ble. He shall enter in separate columns, 1st, The name of each individual; 2d, The Medical Classes, Hospitals, and Dispensa¬ ries, attended by each during the current season ; 3d, The names of his Teachers. He shall register such only as apply personally to him, shall examine all the tickets produced by each individual, and shall not register any classes for which tickets are not produced. Each student shall pay annually, on his first registration for the year, the sum of five shillings. Each student, upon being registered, shall be provided with a ticket which will admit him to the Museum. The book shall be closed for the registration of the winter classes on the 30th November in each year ; and of all other classes at the end of the fourth week from their commence¬ ment When a student is prevented by sickness, or other una¬ voidable causes, from complying with the above regulations, he shall, as soon as the case admits, present a statement of the circumstances, writh proper evidence, to the Conservator, to be laid by him before the Committee, wrho shall report their opi¬ nion to the College ; and if the application is sustained, the in¬ dividual so applying shall be enrolled in the usual manner.
    All students whose classes are thus registered, shall be en¬ titled to receive from the Conservator a Certificate of their course of study, attested by his signature ; but no class shall be "included in this certificate unless actual attendance thereon have been previously attested by the Professor or Lecturer. No fee is payable for this certificate. A certificate from the Album of the University, signed by the proper Officer, shall be received as a sufficient proof that the student presenting it has entered the classes taught there at the proper period of the course ; but it shall also be in the option of Students to register such classes in the manner de¬ scribed above, and to have them included in the same general certificate with those of the other teachers sanctioned by the College. Such certificates shall be required from all candidates for surgical diplomas, in regard to that part of their medical edu¬ cation which they may have received at Edinburgh. In addition to this proof of having entered to their several classes at an early period of the course, all candidates, whether educated at Edinburgh or elsewhere, shall produce certificates from the respective Professors or Lecturers of having attended these classes; and in the case of Practical Anatomy, the certi¬ ficate must express that the candidate has been actually engaged in the dissection of the human body, under the personal super¬ intendence of the Professor or Teacher, during the course of his attendance. EXEMPTIONS. Candidates who have commenced attendance on their Me¬ dical Classes, or at an Hospital containing at least eighty beds, or entered into Indentures of Apprenticeship to a regular Sur¬ geon, previously to the following dates, are entitled to the ex¬ emptions which are here specified :—
    Date. Previously to September 1833. 1. 1st August 18311 2. 1st August 1829. 3. Do. 4. Do. 5. Do. 6. Do. 7. Do. 8. Do. 9. Do. 10. Do. 11. Exemptions. From Practical Pharmacy. From Medical Jurisprudence. From the preliminary instruction in Mathematics. From do. in Mechanical Philosophy. From the necessity of attending Medical Classes for more than three Winter Sessions. From Three of the Six Months of Practical Anatomy. From Practical Chemistry. From Clinical Medicine. From Three of the Six Months of Clinical Surgery. From One of the Two Courses of Surgery, and conse¬ quently from Military Surgery. From Six of the Eighteen Months of Hospital At¬ tendance. EXAMINATIONS. The days of Examination are the first and third Tuesdays of every month. No candidate will be admitted to examination before the termination of his last year’s course of study. Candidates who have completed their attendance on all the prescribed classes, and for the requisite number of Sessions, but whose term of hospital attendance does not expire till No¬ vember, will be admitted to examination on the first Tuesday of September. Applications for examination must be made to the President two days previously to the day of examination. Every candidate, on applying to the President, is required to present his tickets and certificates, and also a written statement (for which a printed form will be furnished by the Officer of the College), containing his Name, Age, and Country; a list of all the Classes, Hospitals, and Dispensaries, attended du¬ ring each session of his study ; and, if he has been an apprentice, the name of his master, the date of his indenture, and the length of time for which he was bound. This statement, properly filled up, must be attested by his signature.