Sports and pastime: or, Hocus-Pocus improv'd. Shewing, 1. To turn water into wine. 2. To convey a card out of a nut-shell. 3. To catch birds. 4. To take Eels. 5. To make sport with an Egg 6. To fetch a Shilling out of a Handkerchief. 7. To wring Beer out

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Sports and pastime: or, Hocus-Pocus improv'd. Shewing, 1. To turn water into wine. 2. To convey a card out of a nut-shell. 3. To catch birds. 4. To take Eels. 5. To make sport with an Egg 6. To fetch a Shilling out of a Handkerchief. 7. To wring Beer out (Online)


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