C19 Chinese MS moxibustion point chart: Lieque

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Acu-moxa point chart, showing the lieque (Break in the Sequence) point, from Chuanwu lingji lu (Record of Sovereign Teachings), by Zhang Youheng, a treatise on acu-moxa in two volumes. This work survives only in a manuscript draft, completed in 1869 (8th year of the Tongzhi reign period of the Qing dynasty). It is illustrated with 84 charts, finely executed in colour.

The text states: The lieque point is located on the radial side of the forearm, 1.5 cun above the crease of the wrist (1 cun [Chinese/proportional inch] = c. 3 cm). It can be needled to a depth of 2 fen (1 fen = 0.1 cun) and moxibusted with three moxa cones. It is indicated for one-sided headache; joint pains in the whole body; numbness in the limbs; phlegm-rheum overabundance and congestion (tan xian yongsheng); lockjaw, etc.


Caption: Lieque (Break in the Sequence)


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