A private treatise on venereal disease, in two parts : the first on gonorrhoea, vulgarly called clap, the second on venereal, properly so called : adapted to the use of every one, but more especially designed for those who are delicately circumstanced and require a private as well as a speedy cure / by Joseph Ralph.
- Ralph, Joseph (Joseph E.)
- Date:
- [1840]
Licence: Public Domain Mark
Credit: A private treatise on venereal disease, in two parts : the first on gonorrhoea, vulgarly called clap, the second on venereal, properly so called : adapted to the use of every one, but more especially designed for those who are delicately circumstanced and require a private as well as a speedy cure / by Joseph Ralph. Source: Wellcome Collection.
Provider: This material has been provided by the National Library of Medicine (U.S.), through the Medical Heritage Library. The original may be consulted at the National Library of Medicine (U.S.)