Hygiene & diseases of warm climates.

  • Davidson, Andrew, 1836-1918.
    PEEFACE. ♦ The design of this work is expressed in its title. The need for it is proved by the fact that no work professing to cover the whole field of tropical hygiene and pathology has hitherto appeared in our language. The classical treatises of Annesley, Morehead, Martin, and Chevers remain of permanent value, but they do not adequately represent the science and practice of the present day. How far I have succeeded in filling up the blank that exists in this department of medicine, must be left to the judgment of the profession; but the co-operation of so many distinguished men, recognised as authorities on the subjects which they have undertaken, justifies the hope that this work will not disappoint the expectations of the teacher, student, or practitioner. In selecting the subjects, and deciding upon the space to be allotted to each, I have been guided by their relative importance to the medical practitioner, rather than by considerations of their scientific interest, although these have not been ignored. The three dominating endemic maladies of warm cHmates—malarial fever, dysentery (including tropical diarrhoea), and hepatitis, — and the three great pestilences—cholera, yellow fever, and plague—have been treated in that detail which their importance demands. Leprosy and beriberi have also seemed to require particular attention; the former from its wide diffusion in the East; and the latter, not only on account of its gravity, but from the numerous interesting and, as yet, unsolved problems connected with its etiology, pathology, and treatment. All of these diseases are more or less unfamiliar to those educated at home, and most of them will probably be seen for the first time by the medical officer when he commences to practise in the tropics, and it may be safely said that they will form more than three-fourths of the cases he will be called upon to treat. It is only within recent years that the role of parasitic diseases in tropical pathology has been fully understood. The responsibility for
    this important class of diseases has been devolved on Professor Sonsino of Pisa and Dr. Manson of London. Those who read the articles on filaria disease, Bilharzia disease, and anchylostomiasis, will require no apology for the space which has been allotted to them. I have gratefully to acknowledge my obligations to those who have rendered me their invaluable assistance in this undertaking. Some of them have done so under the pressure of other duties, in order to place their experience at the service of their younger pro- fessional brethren. The heavy labours devolving on an editor have been lightened by the uniform courtesy and consideration I have received from the contributors. ANDREW DAVIDSON. Lasswade, October 1893.
    LIST OF CONTBIBUTOES. Birch, Edward A., M.D., F.E.C.P., Principal of Medical College, and Professor of Medicine, Calcutta. Bruce, David, MB., Surgeon-Captain, Army Medical Staff, Netley. Cayley, Henry, F.E.C.S., Professor of Clinical and Military Medicine, Army Medical School, Netley. CoppiNGER, R W., M.D., Fleet-Siirgeon, Royal Navy, Haslar. Davidson, Andrew, M.D., F.R.C.P.Ed., late Visiting and Superintending Surgeon, Civil Hosj)ital, and Professor of Chemistry, Royal College, Mauritius. Davidson, D. M., M.B., CM., Surgeon-Captain, Indian Medical Service. Fayrer, Sir Joseph, K.C.S.I., LL.D., M.D., Q.H.P., F.R.SS. (Lond. & Edin.), Associate of the Academy of Medicine of Paris. Lubbock, Montagu, M.D., F.R.C.P., Assistant Physician, Hospital for Children, Great Orniond Street, London. Macnamara, F. N., M.D., formerly Professor of Chemistry, Medical College, Calcutta. Macnamara, N. C, F.R.C.S., Surgeon, and Lecturer on Clinical Surgery, West- minster Hospital. Manson, Patrick, M.D., M.R.C.P., LL.D., Physician, Seamen's Hospital, Green- wich. NoTTER, J. Lane, M.A., M.D., Professor of Military Hygiene, Army Medical School, Netley. Prout, William T., M.B., CM., Government Medical Officer, Gambia. SoNSiNO, Prospero, M.D., Libero Docente, University of Pisa. Sternberg, George M., M.D., Surgeon-General, United States Army. Whitehead, H. R., F.R.C.S., Siirgeon-Captain, Army Medical Staff.
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