[Report 1962] / Medical Officer of Health, Pershore R.D.C.

  • Pershore (England). Rural District Council.
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    BOROUGH OF EVESHAM RURAL DISTRICTS OF EVESHAM AND PERSHORE E. T. SHENNAN. M.B., Ch.B , O P H Medical Officer of Health. Tel. Nos Evesham 2841 (2 LIMES) 121/RGW/CAH M.O.H.’s Office, Lansdowne, Port Street, Evesham. Dear Sir, 13th September 1963 Pershore Rural District Council. Annual Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1962. I would refer to the above, and would draw your attention to the following typographical errors. The Report should read s- Page 14« 2. Water Supply. A total of 5,473 houses with a population of 16,892 is supplied from the public mains. Page 22. Meat Inspection. Cattle Excluding Cows Cows Calves Sheep and Lambs Pigs Horses Percentage of no. inspected affected with disease other than T.B. and Cysticercosis. 20.5 5.6 10.5 Yours faithfully, The Secretary, Ministry of Health, Alexander Fleming House, Ele|4iant and Castle, LONDON S.E.l. Medical Officer of Heaih ‘6
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