The general short-horned herd-book: containing the pedigrees of short-horned bulls, cows, &c. of the improved Durham breed, from the earliest account, to the year 1822 / By George Coates.

  • Coates, George, -approximately 1845.
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    (360) LANCASTER, White, calved in 1814, bred by Mr. R. Col- ling, property of Messrs. Simpson and Smith; got by Wellington, d. (Moss Rose,) by Fa- vourite, g. d. (Red Rose,) by Favourite, gr. g. d. by Punch, gr. gr. g. d. by Foljambe, gr. gr. gr. g. d. by Hubback. (361) YOUNG LANCASTER, Roan, calved March 30, 1819, bred by Mr. Thompson, and his property; got by Lancas- ter, d. (Laura, bred by Mr. R. Colling, and by him called Flora,) by Lancaster, g. d. (Sally,) by Favourite, gr. g. d. by Favourite, gr. gr. g. d. by Favourite. (362) LANCASTER II., Red roan, calved December 4, 1821, bred by, and the property of, Mr. Smith ; got by Lancaster, d. (Sally, bred by Mr. R. Col- ling,) by Favourite, g. d. by Favourite, gr. g. d. by Favourite. (363) LANCASTER JUNIOR, Bred by Mr. J. C. Maynard, got. by Mr. R. Colling’s Lancaster, d. (Barmpton, bred by Air. R. Colling,) by Phenomenon, g. d.