[Report 1970] / Medical Officer of Health, Basingstoke R.D.C.

  • Basingstoke (England). Rural District Council.
    causes of INf'ANT DEATHS Congenital Abnormality Prematurity .. o , Atelectases ,,,,, ^^ = Cerebral Anoxia o.»= *. Pneumonia « Under 1-4 1-12 1 week weeks months 1 0 1 3 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 STILL BIRTHS Male Female Total 1969 1968 Legitimate 1 6 3 Illegitimate o.o., 0 0 ANALYSIS OF CAUSES OF DEATH 0 0 2 Code No. Disease Male Female B6(l) Late effects of Respiratory T.B. 1 - B19(l) Malignant Neoplasm, Buccal Cavity etc., .... 1 - B19(2) Malignant Neoplasm, Oesophagus - 1 B19(3) Malignant Neoplasm, Stomach 5 - B19(4) Malignant Neoplasm, Intestine 3 8 B19(6) Malignant Neoplasm, Lung, Bronchus ..... ... . 9 1 B19(7) Malignant Neoplasm, Breast .o..,.. 0... 1 7 B19(8) Malignant Neoplasm, Uterus ,,.0.^.4...... ... . - 2 B19(10) IjCUlCHBniX 3. 0dStf4oeoo'fie»<B<i>(i«ado4saa9«9«««9 9 9 « 0 - 2 B19(ll) Other Malignant Neoplasms ............. 9 9 9 9 10 7 B21 Diabetes Mellitus ..o ..o. 9 9 9 9 - 3 B46(2) Other Diseases of Blood, etc^. . .,.. ., .» 9 9 9 9 - 1 B46(3) Mental Disorders .o .0.. 0 0 9 « - 1 B46(4) Multiple Sclerosis ..4 =... o..... ,.o..... .... 1 1 B46(3) Other Diseases of Nervous System ....... 9 9 9 9 3 1 B26 Chronic Rheumatic Heart Disease ........ 2 “ B27 Hypertensive Disease «. 4 3 B28 Ischaemic Heart Disease ................ 41 32 B29 Other Forms of Heart Disease 13 13 B30 Cerebrovascular Disease ................ 6 24^ B46C6) Other Diseases of Circulatory System ... 8 19 B31 Influenza 1 2 B32 25 38 B33(l) Bronchitis and Emphysema ............. . 9 9 9 9 9 6 B33(2) 9 9 9 9 - 1 B46(7) Other Diseases of Respiratory System ... - 1 B34 Psptxc [JXCBX' (3o90«S(9o9«o6«ooo9s«ee9a99«a 9 0 9 9 2 - B36 Intestinal Obstruction and Hernia ...... 9*99 1 1 B37 Cirrhosis of Liver 9 9 9 9 1 - B46(8) Other Diseases of Digestive System ..... 9 9 9 9 1 1 B38 Nephritis, and Nephrosis ............... . . . . 2 - B46C9) Other Diseases, Genito-Urinary System 9 9 0 0 1 2 B46(ll) Diseases of Musculo-Skeletal System ... • 900 - 1 B42 Congenital Anomalies ................... 2 - B43 Birth Injury, Difficult Labour etc,, ... 9 9 9 9 2 2 B44 Other Causes of Perinatal Mortality ... . . . . 4 1 BE47 Motor Vehicle Accidents . . . . 2 2 BE48 All Other Accidents 9 9 0 9 3 6 BE49 Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injuries .... 2 - BE50 All Other External Causes • •09 1 - I Total 1 1 1 5 11 10 8 2 2 17 3 1 1 2 4 2 7 73 26 30 27 3 63 15 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 4 5 4 9 2 1 -2-
    » .^Uidim WHMIMII iiir1iiii»)|i"-«»*«ii^«Hi^>^«— " '■ i'. j i,n’©'wno-j '; U-' i ifi£jk'- :.i ' ^ i' ' • ! i» i. t ■. • ; 1. ‘ > J ^ ;V ^ -4
    EPIDEMIOLOGY Notification of Diseases MeaS leS Scarlet Fever ,,»«, ^ .».».«»o *»«»*». Whooping Cough « a,«.»3 »<>,» *, o » Dysentery „,,. o»,, o a..»= -«»»»«^»«»»»>«« Tuberculosis - Pulmonary 0 a Salmonella Typhimurium a,»,...,»».. a. a» Infective Hepatitis ».,.,»»»«a a. n, „«,.« Food Poisoning »», „,, .,,» . 0 .»<=.. a =», o»« 1970 1969 1968 1967 36 37 31 310 1 1 - 1 3 1 2 2 4 1 - 13 3 I 2 6 5 I 1 1 “ 2 1 50 42 41 331 IMMUNISATION AND VACCINATION a) SMALLPOX Age Primary Re-Vaccination 1970 1969 1968 1 1967 1970 1969 1968 1967 1 year 14 33 199 197 " - ~ - 2-4 years 63 84 68 55 7 - 1 2 5 - 15 years 19 12 ' 25 6 j 21 23 54 51 TOTAL 96 129 292 258 28 23 55 53 b) DIPHTHER5.A» VIHOO'PING COUGH ^.NS TETANUS Course 1 1970 1969 1968 Primary General Practitioners Local Authority Doctors 195 317 Booster General Practitioners 1 Local Authority Doctors ;;s •“ 475 755 c) MEASLES 1970 1969 1 yr 2-4 yr 5“15yr 1 yr ! 2-4 yr 5-15yr General Practitioners 79 38 66 163 67 Local Authority Doctors „ 44 13 r^- 108 131 121 TOTAL > 1 123 51 174 294 188 During part of the year, Measles Vaccination was suspended following advice from the Department of Health,
    il 'm w w J1 |a a (n P P P I* L
    d) POLIOMYELITIS 1970 1969 1968 Primary General Practitioners Local Authority Doctors 127) „a 101) 232 508 ^ Booster i General Practitioners Local Authority Doctors li!'? 332 221) 334 378 MATERNITY AND CHILD WELFARE - Health Visiting The Health Visitor is informed of all births to mothers normally resident in the Rural District whether they occur inside or outside the rural boundary. They assist the mother and offer advice on all matters regarding immunisation and feeding, working at all times in close liasion with the family doctor to enable the child to receive the greatest benefit. During the year, one Child Health Clinic ceased to operate. There are 13 Child Welfare Clinics situated in the Rural District. No. of Children attending born in Total No. of Total 1970 1969 1968 Children Attendances 224 228 267 772 3.003 DISTRICT MIDWIFERY AND HOME NURSING Year Midwifery General Domiciliary Confinement including Hospital dis- charge before the 10th day Visits Cases Visits 1970 252 2,320 260 4,206 1969 227 2,263 338 6,638 1968 84 1,263 269 6,887 1967 53 1,673 331 8,488 HOME HELP SERVICE Applications Weekly Case Load Home Helps on Register 31,12,70 Total and I Rees ■nvesi iived , Assisted d _ Advance Bookings 1970 1969 1968 1970 1969 1968 1970 1969 1968 1970 1969 1968 1970 1969 1968 76 71 72 43 36 37 5 1 4 59 54 53 26 25 31 -4-