An inaugural dissertation on the cholera morbus : submitted to the public examination of the faculty of physic, under the authority of the trustees of Columbia College, in the state of New-York, William Samuel Johnson, LL.D. president; for the degree of Doctor of Physic, on the sixth day of May, 1794 / by Henry Mead, citizen of the state of Connecticut.

  • Mead, Henry, -1838.
    T O MALACHI TREAT, PHYSICIAN; JOHN R. B. RQDGERS,M.D PROFESSOR OF MIDWIFERY IN COLUMBIA COLLEGE; This DISSERTATION %s mod refpe&fully infcribed, by their obliged and indebted Friend and Pupil,
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    DISSERTATION ON THE CHOLERA MORBUS. T HERE is no difeafe, perhaps, more alarm- ing, or which requires the more immediate, afliftance of the Phyfician, than Cholera;.* this- circumftance, together with the frequency of its occurrence in this climate, makes it a fit fubjeel for careful attention and accurate inveftigatio.i. From the rapid progrefs of the difeafe, and the extreme debility it produces, it frequently . minates in death in the lhort fpace of l\ four hours, and medicine, unlefs administered in the early ftages, will often prove inefficacious. When
    When I reflect on the diverfity of opinions that have been offered reflecting the caufes of cholera, and confider, that the more aged and experienced in medicine have differed much on this fubject, I feel a reluctance in hazarding an opinion, and in offering the following pages to public view; but, the laws of this College make % it my duty, and my dependance on ,the candor of the reader will induce him to view 4hls as my firft facrifice on the Altar of Science. s» . Hiftory and Definition. AS difeafe is faid to be confined moftly to hot cTTmat^s and warm feafons. Dr. Sydenham obferves, that it happened moft frequently in England i the month of Auguft, but that it appeared fometimes toward the clofe of fummer, when the weather was unufually warm. Sir Clifton Wintringham afferts, that he has feen it occurring in all feafons of the year, but that it happened moft frequently when the wea- ther was the warmeft, and the vicihtudes the greateft