Acu-moxa chart: Gall bladder channel in the head and nec

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Woodblock illustration from a work on 'Chinese' medicine by the 18th century Japanese physician Hara Masakatsu, published in 1807 (4th year of the Bunkwa era). The gall bladder channel of foot shaoyang is one of the Twelve Channels. It originates at the tongziliao (Pupil Crevice) point,and terminates at the qiaoyin point. There are 43 acu-moxa locations on this channel on either side of the body, i.e. 86 altogether. For a list of points located in the head and neck, see 'Lettering'.


Tongziliao (Pupil Crevice); tinghui (Meeting of Hearing); hanyan (Jaw Cover); xuanlu (Suspended Skull); xuanli (Suspended Hair); qubin (Curve of the Sideburns); shuaigu (Leading Valley); tianchong (Celestial Rushing); fubai (Floating White); qiaoyin (acupoint); wangu (Mastoid Process); benshen (Rooting the Spirit); yangbai (Yang White); linqi (Close to Tears); muchuang (Window of the Eye); zhengying (Upright Nutrition); chengling (Receiving Spirit); naokong (Brain Hollow) [Acu-moxa locations]


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