The periodical maturation and extrusion of ova, independently of coitus, in mammalia and man, proved to be the primary condition to their propagation / translated from the German of Th. L.W. Bischoff, by Henry Smith.

  • Bischoff, Theodore Ludwig Wilhelm, 1807-1882.
  • Books
  • Online

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view The periodical maturation and extrusion of ova, independently of coitus, in mammalia and man, proved to be the primary condition to their propagation / translated from the German of Th. L.W. Bischoff, by Henry Smith.

Contains: 34 images

About this work


London : Printed by Wilson and Ogilvy, 1845.

Physical description

34 pages ; 21 cm


'From the London Medical Gazette' - p. [3]

Language note

Translation of: Beweis der von der Begattung unabhängigen periodischen Reifung und Loslösung der Eier der Säugethiere und des Menschen



Where to find it

Location of original

This material has been provided by The Royal College of Surgeons of England. The original may be consulted at The Royal College of Surgeons of England.

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