A treatise on scrofula / [James Russell].

  • Russell, James, 1754-1836.
    tention to accuracy, and afforded op- portunit}?^ for observation, has led to va- rious additions and improvements. But I have not adopted nor preserved any of them without mature deliberation; while whatever was worthy of recording, has been incorporated with the original stock of materials, which has thus been gradually enlarged, and, I hope, been rendered more valuable by the addition of useful information. The Treatise was originally composed for the instruction of students of surgery, in the form of a spoken discourse, and still in some measure retains the character of this style of composition. The great ob- ject was to convey information in a plain and simple manner, and to establish fun- damental principles upon satisfactorj^ evi- dence ; and I hope that the fulness of the statements, both with regard to facts and
    to arguments, will always be found suffi- cient for this purpose. There is not any collection of scrofu- lous cases annexed, since, in my opinion, an appendix of this kind would only have increased the size of the work, without adding to the value of the information; for scrofula occurs so frequently, that the symptoms of the common forms of the disease are familiarly known to every practitioner, so that particular histories of these common cases would be unnecessary and superfluous. On the other hand, the varieties and modifications of scrofula, in the more uncommon cases, are so nume- rous and delicate, that it would be im- possible to enumerate all the diversities within any reasonable compass ; nor is it evident that any great advantage would be derived from the attempt. In place, therefore, of giving particular histories of
    scrofulous cases, I have thought it more advisable to aim at making the descrip- tion of the different appearances so dis- tinct, that every reader of attention will be able to apply the characteristic dis- tinctions to any case which he meets with in practice, and that afterwards he will have no difficulty in treating the case ac- cording to the principles of practice laid down.
    CONTENTS. CHAP. I. Hereditary Nature of Scrofula, Page 3 II. Symptoms and Appearance of Scrofula, .... 8 III. Prognosis, 28 IV. Proximate Cause and Nature of Scrofula,.. .34 V. Occasional Causes, 38 VI. Method of Cure, 45 Climate, 59 Of Particular Medicines, 62 Tonics, 73 Specifics, 80 Muriates of Barytes and of Lime, 82 Local Treatment of Particular Symptoms, 88
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