What must I do to get well? : and how can I keep so? : an exposition of the Salisbury treatment / by one who has done it.

  • Stuart, Elma (Elma Fraser)
  • Books
  • Online

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Contains: 230 images

About this work


New York : W.A. Kellogg, 1889.

Physical description

208, 12 pages ; 20 cm


4th ed., thoroughly rev. and greatly enl.


Final 12 p. are an advertisement
Preface to second ed. signed: Elma Stuart
Includes index

Reproduction note

Microfilm. [Bethesda, Md.] : National Library of Medicine, 1998. 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 35 mm



Where to find it

Location of original

This material has been provided by the National Library of Medicine (U.S.), through the Medical Heritage Library. The original may be consulted at the National Library of Medicine (U.S.)

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