And his Majesty doth accordingly will and command, that from the time of publishing this proclamation, none presume to repair to his Majesties court to be healed of that disease ... : given at our court of Hampton-Court, the fourth day of July, 1662. in the fourteenth year of our reign : God save the King.
- Date:
- 1662
- Ephemera
About this work
Proclamation stating terms in which people are permitted to attend the palace at Hampton Court with appropriate certification for the King (Charles II) to lay his hands on them to perform a miracle cure. The proclamation was to be posted in an "open place in every market town" in "this realm".
London : Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1662.
Physical description
1 broadside ; 28 x 31 cm
Possibly the lower half of a proclamation with Wellcome Library EPH+50:1 ("By the King. A proclamation for the better ordering of those who repair to the court for their cure of the disease called the Kings-evil") being the upper half.
Title from head of text.
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed storesEPH+50Open Online request Location Access Closed storesEPH+50:2Can't be requested Note
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