The cardiovascular system of a man, glowing in the dark; advertising Arterosan. Colour lithograph,195- (?).

[between 1950 and 1959?]
  • Pictures

About this work


"Arterosan Plus activates the circulation of blood in the brain and the peripheral arteries. It helps to stimulate the blood flow and thus ensures that all vital organs such as brain, are supplied with sufficient oxygen and other vitalising substances. Thanks to a special combination of four herb-based active ingredients Arterosan Plus can significantly reduce the symptoms of ageing and helps to effectively combat Arterial-sclerotic complaints. Arterosan Plus revitalises the circulation as well as supporting the heart and looking after the nerves"--website of Doetsch, Grether AG, accessed 20 January 2010

Ingredients of Arterosan Plus in 2009: hawthorn, lemon balm, garlic oil and ginkgo biloba--Martindale: the complete drug reference, 36th edition, London 2009, p. 2474. An Arterosan poster closer in time to the present one lists the four ingredients as garlic, mistletoe, hawthorn and horsetail--Robert-Sterkendries, loc. cit.


[Zürich?] : [Bütschi, Atelier Althaus?], [between 1950 and 1959?] (Zollikon-Zürich : pb Impr. Paul Bender)

Physical description

1 print : lithograph, printed in colours ; sheet 127.5 x 89.5 cm


Arterosan für Herz und Adern. Bütschi, Atelier Althaus, Zürich

References note

M. Robert-Sterkendries, La santé s'affiche, Bruxelles: Therabel, 2003, no. 243, p. 129


Wellcome Collection 689500i


Where to find it

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    Closed stores
    OpenOnline request

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