Den. 3

  • Sop
December 2021
  • Audio
  • Online

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About this work

Also known as

The den. 3


"The Den is a series of meditative works in sound and other media that gather material from Sop's regular trips to their 'den'. As someone in the "clinically extremely vulnerable" category for coronavirus, Sop has been shielding. In response to circumstances during lockdown, they take solitary walks at dawn in a nearby wood and cemetery, socially distancing from all but the buried, rediscovering the healing power of nature. There they have made their own secret den, which has become a calm, nature refuge where they can hide in public and go 'off-grid'."--From Disability Arts Online website.


[United Kingdom] : Sop, December 2021.

Physical description

1 online resource (1 audio file (18:08 min.)) + 1 PDF transcript

Biographical note

"Artist Sop explores alternative strategies for self-care during the Covid-19 pandemic through a series of meditative sound works. As someone in the "clinically extremely vulnerable" category, Sop was forced to shield during the pandemic. They narrate the process of building a secret den in a cemetery at the edges of a wood near where they live. The den provides a space for respite, deeply connected to nature: a structure of protection and safety in which to take shelter."--From Wellcome Collection's website.

Related material

Documentation related to Sop's commission is held by Wellcome Collection, reference PP/SOP
Complemented by (work): Den. 1. (b32496485)
Complemented by (work): Den. 2. (b32496497)



Copyright note

Sop. All rights reserved.

Language note

Audio and accompanying transcript in English.

Exhibitions note

Exhibited in Rooted Beings held at Wellcome Collection, London, 24 March - 29 August 2022.


The Den 3 was commissioned by Wellcome Collection in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.



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