Hand book of the mental hygiene movement and exhibit.

  • National Committee for Mental Hygiene.
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    Causes of Mental Deficiency Heredity Congenital defects nj ll ri es Paring BirtK Diseases daring Infancy Injuries during Infancy fhyroid Insufficiency rtjlental defectiveness Irtsa-nttif ■I Epilepsy TUcofuolLsrrZs ^Syphilis Hydrocep ^^xLzs TTLLcrocep/tolas Defects in, cerebral siLDstcui&z, Defects resulting in. menial cteprutatLori*: Blind/Less 7TLlv£lsttZs £>&afrvess Fraciare, <yf sh.u,lL Compress iorv of hrral.ru CerebraL hemjorrfacuye, fUsphifjcicL fbcute inyectLcnis diseases t Scarlei fe-ver, Prveu mania, etc. Viscoses direc tlu affec ting -the oral w \ Infantile ccephalitls TfLenutgLtis Syphilis Infantile convuls'ums, etc Epilepsy JTlatrLut rilicm^
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    Heredity and Mental Defect J he descendants of' Uokrv ZfoUlLhaJz, " a. <^e.voLa£LOTixz.r'Lf soldier (A) his lawful wife and (B) iJue feeble -minded alauahler of ojv l7z.tt^~ h.e,<z.p<z.r*. ( from. ~ciHe Xizllika&s; by K.7C. GoddarcL ) 436 direct de-scenelcuvts • none menially cLef&ctive, B 480 direct desce-izdcLnds ■ 1*4-3 feeble - jTvlnjcLect, 44 normal 293 u.n.de±emvLrve.cL crr O-Tva^scer tainted. The normal woman Volui fadlikak" wAom k& married, barn, 1755 The feeble-minded girl by wharn he had an, idLUj-JLrruvte ^otq , Debora. /cxzllckak. born, 1889 □ 1lormaL TTLale o Tlormal 'Female "Feeble-minded TTlale. re&ble -minded, ^enuile,-