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  • A large renaissance water garden with angels in the clouds above. Etching.
  • A Chinese lady looking at herself in a mirror (right); outside, a water-garden (left). Gouache.
  • A Chinese lady seated leaning on a tea table; right, a water-garden with ducks. Gouache.
  • University Children's Hospital, Vienna: children being sprayed with cold water in the roof garden. Photograph, 1921.
  • An ornate garden obelisk with water cascading down its sides. Etching by J. Goeree after S. Schynvoet, early 18th century.
  • The Physick Garden, Chelsea: viewed from the river, showing water gate, mooring posts and steps. Wood engraving by W. J. Palmer.
  • The Physick Garden, Chelsea: viewed from the river, showing water gate, mooring posts and steps. Wood engraving by W. J. Palmer.
  • A Chinese lady in a blue dress, seated, right, looks out of a window at a water-garden, left; trees in blossom in the foreground. Gouache.
  • Leipzig: medical historians posing in a garden with watering cans. Photograph, 1929.
  • Rosmarinus officinalis L. Lamiaceae Rosemary. Woody perennial. Distribution: Mediterranean. Quincy (1718) commended the flowers for epilepsy, apoplexy, palsies, uterine obstruction, jaundice, gout, and syringed into the ear with warm water for dislodging wax. It is licensed for use in Traditional Herbal Medicines in the UK (UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.