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  • A monkey poet, in arrears with his rent, is embarrassed when his landlady opens the door to present him with bills. Etching by T. Landseer, 1828.
  • A rent-boy leans against a bar holding a glass with a message endorsing safe sex. Colour lithograph for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V., 199-.
  • A rent-boy leans against a bar holding a glass with a message endorsing safe sex. Colour lithograph for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V., 199-.
  • A landlord, while fishing, reads property advertisements in the newspaper and exclaims at the levels of rent being asked. Coloured lithograph by A.J.L. Jazet, 1843.
  • A Spanish rent boy who insists on safe sex gives "perfect customer service"; advertising safe sex. Colour lithograph by Wolfang Mudra and Martin E. Kautter for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • A sick man (Valentine) in bed with his hand held by his sister Camilla: the landlady demands the rent as David Simple enters the room. Line engraving by W. Blake, 1782, after T. Stothard.
  • A London hair-dresser's shop: a barber shaves a man; a young woman who is having her hair cut recognizes another customer; and a man who rents the upper part reads the Sunday newspaper. Etching by Phiz (Hablot K. Browne).
  • Holidaymakers relaxing in the garden of a rented country house on a haymaking holiday. Colour wood engraving after R. Caldecott, 1881.
  • A man who has rented a haunted castle is asked to shave the ghost of a deceased barber. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1861.
  • Anima astrologiae: or, a guide for astrologers. Being the considerations of the famous Guido Bonatus, faithfully rendred into English. As also the choicest aphorisms of Cardans Seaven segments translated and methodically digested under their proper heads. ; with a new table of the fixed stars, rectified for several years to come, and divers other necessary illustrations. A work most useful and necessary for all students, and recommended as such to the sons of art / [Ed.] By William Lilly.