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  • Old St. Thomas's Hospital: a cadaver, a skull, bones of the lower leg and foot, and two bell-jars on stands. Engraving by A. R. Freebairn after a medallion by W. Wyon, 1829.
  • William Cheselden: profile. Line engraving by A. R. Freebairn after a medal by W. Wyon, 1829.
  • Samuel Sharp, surgeon. Drawing attributed to G. Dance.
  • Samuel Sharp, surgeon. Drawing attributed to G. Dance.
  • International clinics.
  • William Newnham (1790-1865), medical practitioner at Farnham, Surrey, "in practice before 1815". Oil painting by James Andrews, 1856.
  • A machi, or medicine woman, Araucania, Chile.
  • An apothecary riding a velocipede (bicycle) in the form of a pestle and mortar. Coloured etching, ca. 1819.
  • William Pitt the younger as an obstetrician and medicine vendor, accompanied by Henry Dundas as his assistant, disputing with Napoleon Bonaparte their respective medicinal remedies for the delivery of Europe. Etching after C. Ansell (?), 1800.
  • William Pitt the younger as an obstetrician and medicine vendor, accompanied by Henry Dundas as his assistant, disputing with Napoleon Bonaparte their respective medicinal remedies for the delivery of Europe. Etching after C. Ansell (?), 1800.