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  • Anselmus de Boodt (Boetius), physician to Rudolph II, wearing a chain of office and a ruff, with an elaborate heraldic border. Line engraving by A. Sadeler.
  • Anselmus de Boodt (Boetius), physician to Rudolph II, wearing a chain of office and a ruff, with an elaborate heraldic border. Line engraving by A. Sadeler.
  • A guide to the practical physician, shewing from the most approved authors, both ancient and modern, the truest and latest way of curing all diseases, internal and external, whether by medicine, surgery, or diet ... To which is added an appendix concerning the office of a physician / Theoph. Bonet.
  • A guide to the practical physician, shewing from the most approved authors, both ancient and modern, the truest and latest way of curing all diseases, internal and external, whether by medicine, surgery, or diet ... To which is added an appendix concerning the office of a physician / Theoph. Bonet.
  • A guide to the practical physician, shewing from the most approved authors, both ancient and modern, the truest and latest way of curing all diseases, internal and external, whether by medicine, surgery, or diet ... To which is added an appendix concerning the office of a physician / Theoph. Bonet.
  • A guide to the practical physician, shewing from the most approved authors, both ancient and modern, the truest and latest way of curing all diseases, internal and external, whether by medicine, surgery, or diet ... To which is added an appendix concerning the office of a physician / Theoph. Bonet.
  • A treatise of the use of flogging in venerial affairs : also of the office of the loins and reins ... / by John Henry Meibomius ; made English from the Latin original by a physician.
  • A pink background bearing the white lettering: "Discutez de la prévention du SIDA avec votre médecin." [Discuss AIDS prevention with your doctor]; an advertisement by the Swiss Physicians [FMH] and Swiss Federal Office of Public Health [OFSP]. Colour lithograph.
  • A pink background bearing the white lettering: "Sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Artzt über AIDS-Verhütung". [Talk to your doctor about AIDS prevention]; an advertisement by the Swiss Physicians [FMH] and Swiss Federal Office of Public Health [BAG]. Colour lithograph.
  • A pink background bearing the white lettering: "Parlate con il vostro medico della prevenzione dell'AIDS." [Talk to your doctor about prevention of AIDS]; an advertisement by the Swiss Physicians [FMH] and Swiss Federal Office of Public Health [UFSP]. Colour lithograph.